Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/550

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 300-JUNE 28,1944 Pot, p. 8765 43 8tat. 463 . D. O. Code I 8-101. Temporary servicea Limitation& D. C. Unemploy- ment Compensation Act, contributions. 57 Stat. 100. D. C. Code, Supp. 1, H 4B-301 to 46-g uniforms, ammunition, and radio equipment and the rental of tele- type service; leather and rubber articles for the protection of employees and property; and the purchase, exchange, operation, repair, and maintenance of passenger-carrying motor vehicles, bicy- cles, motorcycles, and self-propelled machinery; the hire of draft animals with or without drivers at local rates approved by the Secre- tary of the Interior; the purchase and maintenance of draft animals, harness, and wagons; $1,079,700: Provided, That not to exceed $10,000 of the amount herein appropriated may be expended for the erection of minor auxiliary structures. NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION For all necessary expenses of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission except the acquisition of land as authorized by law (40 U. S. C . 71), including personal services in the District of Columbia, operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger- carrying vehicles; printing and binding; and reference books, news- papers, and periodicals, $54,856. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK For all expenses necessary for the National Zoological Park, including personal services; erecting and repairing buildings; care and improvement of grounds; travel, including travel for the pro- curement of live specimens; purchase, care, and transportation of specimens; maintenance and operation of one passenger-carrying vehicle; purchase and exchange of bicycles, motorcycles, with or without side cars for use of police, revolvers, and ammunition; purchase of uniforms and equipment for police, and uniforms for keepers, and assistant keepers; books and periodicals; and printing and binding; $334,651, no part of which sum shall be available for architect's fees or compensation. SEO. 2. Hereafter the services of draftsmen, assistant engineers, levelers, transitmen, rodmen, chainmen, computers, copyists, overseers, and inspectors temporarily required in connection with sewer, water street, street-cleaning, or road work, or construction and repair of buildings and bridges, or any general or special engineering or con- struction work authorized by appropriations may be employed exclu- sively to carry into effect District of Columbia appropriations when ordered by the Commissioners in writing, and all such necessary expenditures for the proper execution of said work shall be paid from and equitably charged against the sums appropriated for said work; and the Commissioners in their Budget estimates shall report the number of such employees performing such services, and their work, and the sums paid to each, and out of what appropriation: Provided, That the expenditures hereunder shall not exceed $42,000 during any one fiscal year: Provided further, That, excluding inspectors in the sewer department, one inspector in the electrical department, and one inspector in the repair shop, no person shall be employed in pursu- ance of the authority contained in this paragraph for a longer period than nine months in the aggregate during any one fiscal year. Hereafter appropriations for the District of Columbia shall be available for payment by the District of Columbia of its contributions as an employer, in accordance with the provisions of the District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act (49 Stat. 946). [58 STAT.