Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/430

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PUBLIC LAWS--C. 294-JUNE 28,1944 any persons except attorneys duly licensed and authorized to prac- tice under the laws of any State, Territory, or the District of Colum- alary limitation. bia: Provided, That the amount paid as compensation out of the funds herein appropriated to any person employed hereunder shall Reports to on- not exceed the rate of $10,000 per annum: Provided further, That gress. reports be submitted to the Congress on the 1st day of July and Jan- uary showing the names of the persons employed hereunder, the annual rate of compensation or amount of any fee paid to each Senateapproval of together with a description of their duties: Provided further, That appointments at $7,50 or more. no part of this appropriation shall be used for the payment of any person hereafter appointed at a salary of $7,500 or more and paid from this appropriation unless such person is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth: For salaries, fees, and expenses of United States marshals, deputy marshals, and clerical assistants, including services rendered in behalf of the United States servics in Alaska. or otherwise; services in Alaska in collecting evidence for the United States when so specifically directed by the Attorney General; travel- T fer of narcotifarms ing expenses, including the actual and necessary expenses incident to the transfer of prisoners in the custody of United States marshals to narcotic farms without regard to the provisions of the Act approved 45stat.106. January 19, 1929 (21 U. S . C. 227); purchase, when authorized by the Attorney General, of four motor-propelled passenger-carrying vans at not to exceed $2,000 each; and maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; $4,370,000: lnportatio n l- Provided, That United States marshals and their deputies may be allowed, in lieu of actual expenses of transportation, not to exceed 4 cents per mile for the use of privately owned automobiles when traveling on official business within the limits of their official station. Fees of witnesses: For expenses, mileage, and per diems of witnesses and for per diems in lieu of subsistence, such payments to be made on the certification of the attorney for the United States and to be n7 8' C., supp. conclusive as provided by section 846, Revised Statutes (28 U. S . C . Authorization by 577), $800,000: Provided, That not to exceed $25,000 of this amount Attorneyener shall be available for such compensation and expenses of witnesses or informants as may be authorized or approved by the Attorney General or his Administrative Assistant, which approval shall be tenmietion on at- conclusive: Provided further, That no part of the sum herein appro- priated shall be used to pay any witness more than one attendance fee for any one calendar aay, which fee shall not exceed $1.50 except Federal emoyees. in the District of Alaska: Provided further, That whenever an employee of the United States performs travel in order to appear as a witness on behalf of the United States in any case involving the activity in connection with which such person is employed, his travel expenses in connection therewith shall be payable from the appro- priation otherwise available for the travel expenses of such employee. Pay and expenses of bailiffs: For pay of bailiffs, not exceeding three bailiffs in each court, except in the southern district of New York and the northern district of Illinois; and meals and lodging for bailiffs or deputy marshals in attendance upon juries in United te diem retri- States cases, when ordered by the court, $340,000: Provided, That, except in the case of bailiffs in charge of juries over Sundays and holidays, no per diem shall be paid to any bailiff unless the judge is present and presiding in court or present in chambers: Provided Restrictinonuseof further, That none of this appropriation shall be used for the pay of bailiffs when deputy marshals or marshals are available for the duties ordinarily executed by bailiffs, the fact of unavailability to be determined by the certificate of the marshal. 410 [58 STAT.