Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/400

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 286-JUNE 27, 1944 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Post, p. 875. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the "Tennessee 4 Stat. sU. Valley Authority Act of 1933', as amended (16 U. S. C ., ch. 12A), I, ch. 12. - including the continued construction of Kentucky Dam at Gilberts- Construction of ville, Kentucky; Watts Bar steam plant; Fort Loudoun Dam (includ- dams. ing an extension to bring the waters of the Little Tennessee River within the pool of this project) Fontana Dam; South Holston Dam; Watauga Dam; an additional unit at the Sheffield steam plant; Fertilizer and ele- and a fertilizer and elemental phosphorus manufacturing plant at or planta phosphous near Mobile, Alabama; and the acquisition of necessary land, the clearing of such land, relocation of highways, and the construction or purchase of transmission lines and other facilities, and all other necessary works authorized by such Act, and for printing and binding, lawbooks, books of reference, newspapers, periodicals, main- tenance, repair, and operation of passenger-carrying vehicles, rents Salaries and ex- in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and all necessary salaries penses and expenses connected with the organization, operation, and investi- gations of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and for examination of estimates of appropriations and activities in the field, the unexpended 57 Stat. 190. balance on June 30, 1944, in the "Tennessee Valley Authority fund, 1944", and the receipts of the Tennessee Valley Authority from all sources during the fiscal year 1945 (subject to the provisions of sec- 48 Stat. 71. tion 26 of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, as amended), shall be covered into and accounted for as one fund to be known as the AuTennessee Vauey "Tennessee Valley Authority fund 1945", to remain available until June 30, 1945, and to be available for the payment of obligations chargeable against the "Tennessee Valley Authority fund, 1944", and Reports to Congress the Tennessee Valley Authority shall file reports every four months with the two Appropriations Committees of the Congress of all its Purchases. receipts and expenditures: Provided,That purchases may be made by the Authority during the fiscal year 1945 without regard to the provi- 41 U.S. C. 65. sions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes and section 9 (b) of the 48 Stat. 63. 16 U. s. C. 831h; Tennessee Valley Authority Act, as amended, when in the judgment Supp. III, I 831h. of the Board of Directors of the Authority such a procedure will expedite the completion of projects determined by the President to be essential for defense purposes. Poet, p . 875. 53 Stat. 158; 56 Stat. 957, 967. 26U.8.C.i1100- 1146; Supp. III , 1100 et seq. Ante, p. 72. 7 U. S. C., Supp. III, §f644, 648 . Post, p. 875. Construction fund. 49 Stat. 1987. 46U. S. C. 1116. Contract authoriza- tions. Administrative ex- penses. THE TAX COURT OF THE UNITED STATES For necessary expenses of The Tax Court of the United States as authorized by chapter 5 of the Internal Revenue Code, and sections 504 and 510 of the Revenue Act of 1942, including personal services and contract stenographic reporting services, traveling expenses car- fare, stationery, purchase and exchange of lawbooks and books of reference, and periodicals, $555,000. For all printing and binding for The Tax Court of the United States, $32,000. UNITED STATES MARITIME COMMISSION To increase the construction fund established by the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, $6,766,000,000: Provided, That the amount of contract authorizations contained in prior Acts for ship construction and facilities incident thereto is hereby increased by $5,700,000,000 (toward which $4,665,390,499 is included in the amount appropriated herein): Provided further, That during the fiscal year 1945 not to exceed $38,000,000 shall be available for administrative expenses of the United States Maritime Commission, including personal services 380 [58 STAT.