Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/36

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 16 --FEB . 14, 1944 shall be admitted to perform agricultural labor in the United States for such time and under such conditions (but not including the exaction of bond to insure ultimate departure from the United States) as may be required by regulations prescribed by the Com- missioner of Immigration and Naturalization with the approval of Proof ofbirthplace. the Attorney General; and in the event such regulations require documentary evidence of the country of birth of any such resident which he is unable to furnish, such requirement may be waived by the admitting officer of the United States at the point where such resident seeks entry into the United States if such official has other proof satisfactory to him that such resident is a native of the country Identification card. claimed as his birthplace. Each such resident shall be provided with an identification card (with his photograph and fingerprints) to be prescribed under such regulations which shall be in lieu of all other documentary requirements, including the registration at time 4Stat. 670. of entry or after entry required by the Alien Registration Act of note; supp.I ,C 155, 1940. Any such resident admitted under the foregoing provisions 487. Failure to maintain who fails to maintain the status for which he was admitted or to stats, etc. depart from the United States in accordance with the terms of his admission shall be taken into custody under a warrant issued by the Attorney General at any time after entry and deported in accordance 39 tat. 890. with section 20 of the Immigration Act of February 5, 1917. Sec- imUi5 . Spp. tions 5 and 6 of such Act shall not apply to the importation of aliens 8 s. c. 13942. under this title. No provision of this title shall authorize the admis- Enemy aliens. sion into the United States of any enemy alien. Use of workers in (h) When authorized by the Administrator, workers under the processing prodcts program may be used in the packing, canning, freezing, drying, or other processing of perishable or seasonable agricultural products. Efective date of (i) This title, except as otherwise provided herein, shall take effect title upon the date of its enactment into law and shall thereupon super- B57 tat. 70. sede the Act of April 29, 1943 (Public Law 45), to the extent that 50 U. S. C., Supp. m, app. § 1351-135. such Act is inconsistent with this title. Utilization of pris- (j) If the Administrator finds that there is inadequate farm labor oners of war. in any area, the Administrator and the agricultural extension service of the land-grant colleges in the respective States are hereby author- ized, for the purposes of this title, to negotiate directly with the War .Emergn y e of Department for the utilization of prisoners of war and the emergency use of soldiers of the United States for the production and harvest- ing of agricultural commodities within the several States upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon, subject, in the case of prisoners of war, to the terms of any treaties or inter- national agreements to which the United States of America is signatory and which are now in effect. For the purposes of this title the War Department may utilize the Administrator and the extension services in the respective States to make such investigations and certifications with respect to the need for utilizing prisoners of war and the emergency use of soldiers of the United States and with respect to the terms and conditions of employment, as may be required by the War Department in order to assure that the terms of such treaties or international agreements are complied with. 9Us.S.C ., (k) The Act of pril 29, 1943 (Public Law 45), as amended, is m, app. 1351-15. hereby further amended by striking out "January 31, 1944" and iinserting o he date ofenactment into law of House Joint Resolution flgations 208 of th Seventy-eihth Congress". All obligations incurred during the period between January 31, 1944, and the date of the enactment into law of this Act i anticipation of such appropriations and author- ity are hereby ratified and confirmed if in accordance with the terms of such Public Law 45,as amended. [58 STAT.