Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/300

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 261, 262-JUNE 17, 1944 Lands deemed part of Modoc unit, Tule Lake Division. Use of certain net revenues. 53 Stat. 1187. 43U. S. ( . 485a (a). June 17, 1944 [H. R. 4771] [Public Law 343] Naval petroleum and oil-shale reserves. Possession of prop- erties; exploration, de- velopment, etc. Naval petroleum re- serve No. 1 . Production. Congressional au- thorization. Post, p. 283 . Periodic reexamina- tions; quantity re- duction. offset the balance of $47,627.89 as to which the district's obligation is to be released under the proposed contract; second to offset the bal- ance of the charges heretofore apportioned to the Government-owned lands in Klamath County, Oregon, pursuant to the Act of May 27, 1920, supra, amounting to $36,714.37; third, to offset the balance of charges allocated as of December 31, 1942, to the Lower Klamath Lake Division; and, fourth, as an increment to the reclamation fund with- out further application to project construction costs. (d) The lands in Siskiyou County, California, west of range 4 east, Mount Diablo meridian, and in the vicinity of Lower Klamath Lake, including the lands heretofore uncovered by the changing level of that lake, shall be deemed to be from and after December 31, 1942, part of the Modoc unit of the Tule Lake Division of the Klamath project. Net revenues which have accrued from Government-owned lands under the primary jurisdiction of the Bureau of Reclamation in that area prior to January 1, 1943, shall be applied to offset the balance of the charges allocated to the Lower Klamath Lake Division. Net revenues accruing from and after December 31, 1942, from such Government-owned lands shall be covered into the reclamation fund and applied: First, to offset the costs heretofore or hereafter incurred in connection with the completion of the Modoc unit; and, second, as an increment to the reclamation fund without further application to project construction costs. SEC. 3. This Act is declared to be a part of the Federal reclamation laws as these are defined in the Reclamation Project Act of 1939. Approved June 17, 1944. [CHAPTER 262] AN ACT To amend the part of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, and for other purposes", approved June 4, 1920, as amended, relating to the conservation, care, custody, protection, and operation of the naval petroleum and oil-shale reserves. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the part of the Act of June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 813), amended by the Act of June 30, 1938 (52 Stat. 1252; 34 U. S . C . 524), as so amended, is hereby amended as follows: (a) The first four paragraphs of such amended part are amended to read as follows: "The Secretary of the Navy is directed to take possession of all properties within the naval petroleum reserves as are or may become subject to the control and use by the United States for naval pur- poses; to explore, prospect, conserve, develop, use, and operate the same in his discretion, subject to approval by the President, directly or by contract, lease, or otherwise, including, in the case of naval petroleum reserve numbered 1, contracts for joint, unit, or other cooperative plans of exploration, prospecting, conservation, develop- ment, use, and operation of lands owned or controlled by the United States within such reserve numbered 1 and lands (a) owned or leased by private interests therein, or (b) outside thereof but on the same geologic structure, such use and operation to be for the protection, conservation, maintenance, and testing of the aforesaid reserves, or for the production of petroleum whenever and to the extent the Sec- retary, with the approval of the President, finds required for the national defense: Provided, however, That no petroleum shall be produced pursuant to such a finding unless authorized by the Con- gress by joint resolution: And provided further, That the Secretary 280 [58 STAT.