Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/248

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Administrati. for that purpose until said lands have been acquired; all lands so acquired thereafter to be subject to and administered under the laws applicable to lands acquired under the provisions of said Act of 36stat.962; 39 tt. March 1, 1911 (16 U. S . C., 519, 520, 521), as amended: Provided "11 ,p. 7. That the provisions of sections 500 and 501 of title 16 of the United States Code shall not be applicable to receipts so appropriated and expended. Nothing contained in this Act, however, shall diminish payments to or expenditures within the State of Idaho under the Dispositionofunob- provisions of said sections; and any appropriated amounts which are, atedfund. or which heretofore have been, unexpended and unobligated at the close of the fiscal year for which appropriated shall be transferred to the national-forest receipts of that fiscal year, and amounts so transferred and such portions of the receipts of any fiscal year as are not, or heretofore have not been, appropriated for the ensuing fiscal year shall be disposed of in the same manner as other national-forest receipts." oSeanBnadino an SEC. 3. The Act of June 15, 1938 (52 Stat. 699) which authorizes Forsts, cai. the appropriation of receipts from the San Bernardino and Cleveland National Forests for the purchase of lands in the county of Riverside, State of California, within the boundaries of said national forests, is hereby amended to read as follows: urchaseofnds. "The Secretary of Agriculture, with the approval of the National Forest Reservation Commission established by section 4 of the Act MaStat.9 of March 1, 1911 (16 U. S . C . 513), is hereby authorized to acquire by purchase any lands within the boundaries of the San Bernardino and Cleveland National Forests, in the county of Riverside, State of Cali- fornia, which, in his judgment, should become the property of the United States in order that they may be so managed with other lands of the United States as to minimize soil erosion and flood damage, Payment. and to pay for said lands from those proportions of the receipts derived from the sale of natural resources, other than mineral, and the occupancy of publicly owned lands within said national forests which are equal to the proportions of the net areas of said national forests situated in the county of Riverside, State of California, which receipts are hereby authorized to be appropriated for expenditure for that Administration. purpose until said lands have been acquired; all lands so acquired thereafter to be subject to and administered under the laws applicable to lands acquired under the provisions of said Act of March 1, 1911 Stat. 962; 39stat. (16 U. S . C. 519, 520,521) as amended: Provided That the provisions P, p.73. of sections 500 and 501 of title 16 of the United States Code shall not be applicable to receipts so appropriated and expended, but any piofoUof-unob. appropriated amounts which are, or which heretofore have been, unexpended and unobligated at the close of the fiscal year for which appropriated shall be transferred to the national-forest receipts of that fiscal year, and amounts so transferred and such portions of the receipts of any fiscal year as are not, or heretofore have not been, appropriated, for the ensuing fiscal year shall be disposed of in the Riverside County. same manner as other national-forest receipts: Provided further, pt,p. 737.nts That the amounts to which the county of Riverside would otherwise be entitled under section 500 of title 16 of the United States Code shall be reduced by the amounts by which payments to the State for distribution to counties under that section are reduced pursuant to the above proviso." Neva nd T SEC. 4 . The Act of June 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1205), which authorizes INa. the appropriation of receipts from the Nevada and Toiyabe National Forests for the purchase of lands in the State of Nevada within the boundaries of said national forests, is hereby amended to read as follows: [58 STAT. 228 PUBLIC LAWS---H. 20 -MAY 26, 1944