Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/228

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 175-APR . 22, 1944 Post, P. 86& Office of the chief inspector, $341,233. Office of the purchasing agent, $69,000. Post, pp. 610, 868. Bureau of Accounts, $318,000. CONTINGENT EXPENSES, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Ptp, p.8 . For contingent and miscellaneous expenses; including stationery and blank books, index and guide cards, folders and binding devices, purchase of free penalty envelopes; telegraph and telephone service, furniture and filing cabinets and repairs thereto; purchase of tools and electrical supplies; maintenance of two motor-driven passenger- carrying vehicles; floor coverings; postage stamps for correspondence addressed abroad, which is not exempt under article 49 of the Buenos M tst. 2. Aires Convention of the Universal Postal Union; purchase and exchange of lawbooks, and books of reference; newspapers, not exceeding $200; expenses, except membership fees, of attendance at meetings or conventions concerned with postal affairs, when incurred on the written authority of the Postmaster General, not exceeding $2,000; and expenses of the purchasing agent and of the Solicitor and attorneys connected with his office while traveling on business of the Department, not exceeding $1,200; and other expenses not otherwise provided for; $131,900. Printing and bind- For printing and binding for the Post Office Department, including ost, p. 610. all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Wash- ington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $1,350,000. Field-service appro- Appropriations hereinafter made for the field service of the Post priations, restriction on use. Office Department, except as otherwise provided, shall not be expended for any of the purposes hereinbefore provided for on account of the Post Office Department in the District of Columbia: Provided, Travel expenses. That the actual and necessary expenses of officials and employees of the Postal Office Department and Postal Service, when traveling on official business, may be paid from the appropriations for the service in connection with which the travel is performed, and appropriations for the fiscal year 1945 shall be available therefor: Provided further, Examination of esti- That appropriations hereinafter made, except such as are exclusively for payment of compensation, shall be immediately available for expenses in connection with the examination of estimates for appro- priations in the field including per diem allowances in lieu of actual expenses of subsistence. FIELD SERVICE, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER GENERAL 42 Stat. 63 . 31U.S.C.I224c. Travel expenses, Postmaster General and Assistant Postmasters General: For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, offices of the Postmaster General and Assistant Postmasters General, $3,000. Personal or property damage claims: To enable the Postmaster General to pay claims for damages, occurring during the fiscal year 1945, or in prior fiscal years, to persons or property in accordance with the provisions of the Deficiency Appropriation Act, approved June 16, 1921 (5 U. S . C . 392), as amended by the Act approved June 22, 1934 (48 Stat. 1207), $75,000. Adjusted losses and contingencies: To enable the Postmaster Gen- eral to pay to postmasters, Navy mail clerks, and assistant Navy mail clerks or credit them with the amount ascertained to have been lost or destroyed during the fiscal year 1945, or prior fiscal years, through burglary, fire, or other unavoidable casualty resulting from no fault [58 STAT. 208