Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/176

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 152 -APR . 1 , 1944 57 Stat. 343; pot, p. 176. 57 Stat. 343 . 6 Stat. 457. 57 Stat. 44. Pob, p. 168. 57 Stat. 412 Pod,p. 168 . Public schools, expenses, District of Columbia, 1940, $90.74; Gallinger Municipal Hospital, expenses, District of Columbia, 92 cents; Division of Child Welfare, board and care of children, District of Columbia, 1940, $1.38; Department of Vehicles and Traffic, expenses, highway fund, Dis- trict of Columbia, 1940, $57.15; In all, $1,463.95. WATER SERVICE Washington Aqueduct: For an additional amount for operation, fiscal year 1944, including the objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1944, payable wholly from the revenues of the Water Department, $125,000. Water Department: For an additional amount for the maintenance of the Water Department distribution system, fiscal year 1944, includ- ing the objects specified in the appropriation for this purpose in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1944, payable wholly from the revenues of the Water Department, $52,700. Refunding water rents: For an additional amount for the refunding of water rents and other water charges erroneously paid in the Dis- trict of Columbia, fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified in the appropriation for this purpose in the District of Columbia Appro- priation Act, 1943, payable wholly from the revenues of the Water Department, $10.69. Water fund securities: The appropriation "For investment by the Secretary of the Treasury in United States securities for the account of the water fund of the District of Columbia, $300,000", under the head "Water Department" in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1944, is hereby rescinded, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to sell, at such time as shall be determined by the District Commissioners, any United States securities held for the account of the water fund of the District of Columbia, the total proceeds of such sales not to exceed $190,000 and to be deposited to the credit of the water fund of the District of Columbia. DIVISION OF EXPENSES The foregoing sums for the District of Columbia, unless otherwise therein specifically provided, shall be paid out of the revenues of the District of Columbia and the Treasury of the United States in the manner prescribed by the District of Columbia Appropriation Acts for the respective fiscal years for which such sums are provided. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FoREsT SERVICE SATARIES AND EXPENSES National forest protection and management: For an additional amount for national forest protection and management, fiscal year 1944, including the objects specified under this head in the Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, 1944, $145,000. Fighting forest fires: For an additional amount for fighting forest fires, fiscal year 1944, $1,535,000. COMMODrrY CREDrr OOBPORATION Salaries and administration expenses: For an additional amount for salaries and administrative expenses of the Commodity Credit Cor- [58 STAT.