Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/117

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T8TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 64 - FEB . 26, 1944 maintenance of storage reservoirs and of appurtenant works, canals, and conduits required for the enjoyment of the privileges granted by Article V and Article VII A; provided, however, that the grantees of such rights shall pay to the political subdivisions of the State in which such works are located, each and every year during which such rights are enjoyed for such purposes, a sum of money equivalent to the average annual amount of taxes assessed against the lands and improvements thereon during the 10 years preceding the use of such lands in reimbursement for the loss of taxes to said political sub- division of the State. ARTICLE VII A. Either State shall have the right, by compliance with the laws of the other State, to file applications for and receive permits to construct or participate in the construction and use of any dam, storage reservoir, or diversion works in such State for the purpose of con- serving and regulating the apportioned water of the other State; provided, that such right is subject to the rights of the other State to control, regulate, and use water apportioned to it. B. Each claim hereafter initiated for storage or diversion of water in one State for use in another State shall be filed in the Office of the State Engineer of the State in which the water is to be stored or diverted, and a duplicate copy of the application including a map showing the character and location of the proposed facilities and the lands to be irrigated shall be filed in the Office of the State Engineer of the State in which the water is to be used. If a portion or all the lands proposed to be reclaimed are located in a State other than the one in which the water is to be stored or diverted, then, before approval of the application shall be granted, said application shall be checked against the records of the appropriate office of the State in which the water is to be used, and a notation shall be placed thereon by the officer in charge of such records to the effect that the land description does not indicate a conflict with existing water rights. All endorsements shall be placed on both the original and duplicate copies of all such maps filed to the end that the records in both States may be complete and identical. C. Appropriations may hereafter be adjudicated in the State in which the water is stored or diverted, and where a portion or all of the lands irrigated are in the other State, such adjudications shall be confirmed in the latter State by the proper authority. Each adjudi- cation is to conform with the laws of the State where the water is stored or diverted and shall be recorded in the county and State where the water is used. ARTCLE Vri In case any reservoir is constructed in Wyoming, to be used prin- cipally for irrigation of lands in South Dakota, sufficient water not to exceed 10 cubic feet per second shall be released at all times for stock water use. ArTICLE IX No reservoir hereafter built solely to utilize the water allocated to Wyoming shall have a capacity in excess of 1,000 acre-feet. ARTICLE X The provisions of this compact shall remain in fall force and effect until amended by action of the Legislature of the States and con- 9850° - 45-ICT. I-T 97 58 STAT.]