Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/98

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56 STAT.] 77TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CHS. 371-373-JUNE 5, 1942 [CHAPTER 371] AN ACT 1175 June 5, 1942 For the relief of George W. Lyle under the jurisdiction of the United States [H. B. 5713] Employees' Compensation Commission. [Private Law 427] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That such medical, surgical, and hospital services, appliances, and supplies, shall be furnished to George W. Lyle by the United States Employees' Com- pensation Commission, under the provisions of section 9 of the Act of September 7, 1916 (39 Stat. 743), as amended by section 1 of the Act of June 26, 1926 (44 Stat. 772), and other sections, as the United States Employees' Compensation Commission may find necessary to cure and relieve the injuries sustained by said George W. Lyle while employed by the United States Reclamation Service at Arrowrock Dam, Idaho, on December 5, 1912, to the same extent as though his injuries had occurred subsequent to September 7, 1916, and he had filed a claim for compensation within one year and the United States Employees' Compensation Commission had found that his injuries occurred while in the performance of duty: Provided, That this Act shall not be construed to authorize payment for any medical or other expenses heretofore incurred. Approved, June 5, 1942. [CHAPTER 372] AN ACT For the relief of Anna Danielson and Betty Tiedeman. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Anna Danielson, of North Syracuse, New York, the sum of $875; and Betty Tiedeman, of Maitland, Florida, the sum of $153.10, in full settlement of their claims against the United States for expenses incurred and personal injuries sustained on December 13, 1940, near Winter Park, Florida, as the result of a collision of the automobile in which claimants were riding with a Government-owned truck operated by an employee of the Work Projects Administration. SEC. 2 . That no part of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent or attorney on account of services rendered in connection with this claim, and the same shall be unlawful, any contract to the contrary notwithstanding. Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved, June 5, 1942. George W. Lyle. Furnishing of medi- cal, etc., services and supplies. 5U. .C. J759. Proviso. mune5, 1942 [H. R. 5723] [Private Law 428] Anna Danielson. Payment to. Betty Tiedeman. Payment to. Limitatlon on attor- ney's, etc., fees. [CHAPTER 373] AN ACT For the relief of Glenn A. Hoss. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $500 to Glenn A. Hoss, of Hot Springs, New Mexico. The payment of such sum shall be in full settlement of all claims Jnne 5, 1942 [H. R . 5772] [Private Law 429] Glenn A. Hosa. Payment to.