Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/822

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1908 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. surances. I should accordingly appreciate your having this matter presented to the Government of India. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. SUMNER WELLES His Excellency Acting Secretary of State His Excellency The Right Honorable The Viscount HALIFAX, K.G ., British Ambassador. The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State BRITISH EMBASSY, 83/320/42 WASHINGTON, D.C ., No. 280 April 29th, 1942 SIR, I have the honour to refer to your note of March 30th in regard to the application of the Selective Training and Service Act to British subjects residing in the United States. 2. His Majesty's Government are in sympathy with the objects of the proposal contained in your note, and will be glad to see the regime made effective immediately. As regards the stipulations set forth in the fifth paragraph of that note, His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom agree to stipulations (a) and (c) without qualifica- tions, and are glad to give the required assurances. As regards stipulation (b), His Majesty's Government will grant reciprocal treat- ment to American citizens in the United Kingdom; further informa- tion in regard to the arrangements for American citizens of military age in the United Kingdom will be supplied shortly. American citizens now serving in the Royal Navy who wish to transfer will be released unconditionally. American citizens now serving in the British Army will be allowed to resign their Commissions or take their discharge if the United States Military authorities in the United Kingdom are prepared to accept them. On discharge they will be given into the charge of the United States Military authorities in the United Kingdom, to be enlisted into the United States forces. United States citizens serving in the Royal Air Force will be treated in ac- cordance with arrangements which have been agreed upon by the Air Ministry, the Royal Canadian Air Force and the American Military Mission in London. The State Department is doubtless aware of these arrangements. They will be put into effect by an Air Ministry order which will shortly be issued, of which the following is a summary:- 1. The application must be made in writing within fifteen days of the publication of the order. 2. No guarantee can be given whether or when the transfer will be effected. The efficiency of the war effort of the United Nations as a whole is the first consideration.