Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/766

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1852 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. lications that may be issued by any instrumentalities of the Govern- ment in the future. 5. With respect to instrumentalities which at this time do not issue publications and which are not mentioned in the attached lists, it is understood that important publications which they may issue in the future shall be furnished in one copy. 6. Neither Government shall be obligated by this agreement to furnish confidential publications, blank forms, or circular letters not of a public nature. 7. Each party to the agreement shall bear the postal, railroad, steamship, and other charges arising in its own country. 8. This agreement shall not be understood to modify the already existing exchange agreements between the various Government instrumentalities of the two countries. Upon the receipt of an identical note from Your Excellency, my Government will consider that the foregoing agreement enters into effect. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. EDWARD P. LAWTON Charge d'Affaires ad interim His Excellency Lie. ARTURO DESPRADEL Secretary of Statefor Foreign Affairs Ciudad Trujillo, Dom. Rep. The Dominican Secretary of State of Foreign Relations to the American Charge d'Affaires ad interim REPIBLICA DOMINICANA SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE IRILACIONES EX'ITERIOUKS Nuin. 2320:;-bis. (CITI)AD TRITJILLO, DISTIUTO DlDrSANTO I)OMINCO, diciemrbre 10 de 1942. SENOR ENCARGADO DE NEGOCIOS:- Tengo el honor de acusar recibo de la atenta nota Num. 34 de fecha 9 del corriente, por la cual Vuestra Sefioria se sirve proponer al Gobierno dominicano un acuerdo para el canje de publicaciones oficiales entre los dos Gobiernos, sobre las bases y estipulaciones que figuran en la aludida nota, cuyo texto dice asi:- "Tengo el honor de referirme a la nota [4] de esta Legaci6n del 30 de octubre ultimo y a las demas conversaciones y correspondencia concernientes a la conclusi6n de un acuerdo entre el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno de la Repdblica Domini- cana, para el canje de publicaciones oficiales, y de expresar nuestro convenio para dicho canje como sigue: 4 [No impresa.]