Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/709

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56 STAT.] EL SALVADOR-EXPERIMENT STATIO Nov24 1942 1795 Dec. 2, 1942 NOvember 24 and Agreement between the United States of America and El Salvador Deember 2,1942 approving Memorandum of Understanding signed October 21, 1942 (E.A .s .285] respecting an agriculturalexperiment station in El Salvador. Effected by exchange of notes signed November 24 and December 2, 1942; effective October 21, 1942. The Secretary of State to the Salvadoran Minister DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON November 24, 1942 SIR: I have the honor to refer to a Memorandum of Understanding dated October 21, 1942, and signed by the Honorable Claude R. Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture of the United States of America, and by you, relating to the establishment and operation of an agricultural experi- ment station in El Salvador, which reads in English and Spanish as follows: MEMORANDUM OF UNDER- STANDING In conformity with the desire of the Government of El Salvador that the Government of the United States of America cooperate in the establishment and operation of an agricultural experiment station in El Salvador for the purpose of promoting the production of basic and strategic tropical products, the Government of the United States of America, through the United States Department of Agriculture and the Government of El Salva- dor, through its Minister Pleni- potentiary accredited to Washing- ton, have reached the following understanding: 1. The general functions of the station shall include: (a) agro- nomic production investigations to promote the establishment and increase the production of com- plementary agricultural products, particularly rubber, fibers and insecticides; (b) agricultural engi- MEMORANDUM DE ENTENDI- MIENTO De acuerdo con el deseo del Gobierno de El Salvador de que el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America coopere en el estableci- miento y funcionamiento de una estaci6n experimental de agricul- tura en El Salvador, con el fin de fomentar la producci6n dc articulos agricolas tropicales b:isicos y estra- tegicos, el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America, por medio del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos, y el Gobierno de El Salvador, por medio de su Ministro Plenipotenciario acredi- tado en Washington, han ilegado al siguiente entendimiento: 1. Las funciones generales de la General functions. estaci6n comprender&n: (a) investi- gaci6n agron6mica de producci6n, para facilitar el establecimiento y aumento de la producci6n de articulos agricolas complemen- tarios, especialmente hule, fibras e insecticidas; (b) investiga-