Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/702

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. ture over the whole of Ecuador with complementary products, par- ticularly cocoa, rubber, abaca, and barbasco as the cash crops; (b) assistance to the Corporation in the establishment of approved agricultural practices by agricul- tural extension work as liaison between the station and the pri- vate farms; (c) the propagation of planting material for distribu- tion by the Corporation to farmers; (d) cooperation with other agricultural institutions of the Western Hemisphere in the promotion of tropical agriculture through consultation and the ex- change of propagating material, scientific information, and per- sonnel; (e) cooperation with pub- lic health, colonization, and agri- cultural rehabilitation agencies of the United States of America, Ecuador, and the Western Hemi- sphere in the development of agriculture in Ecuador; and (f) consideration being given to the possibility that the Ecuadoran Development Corporation will foster the planting of several thousand hectares of Htevea rub- ber, abac:i, 1an blarl)asco in ]Ecua- dor, the station will give full techlnical assistlanlce to such a plantilng )progrlam. 2. The Government of Ecuador will make available all land neces- sary to conduct investigations and demonstration work designed to promote the profitable production of export crops, such as cocoa, rub- ber, fibers, insecticides, medicinals, vegetable oils, et cetera, and in- crease the income and foreign trade of the people of Ecuador. Such land shall be selected by the direc- tor of the station in cooperation with the appropriate governmental agency of Ecuador and the Ecua- doran Development Corporation, el Ecuador con la producci6n de articulos agricolas complementa- rios, especialmente cacao, hule, abaca y barbasco, como cose- chas convertibles en efectivos; (b) ayudar a la Corporaci6n en el establecimiento de m6todos agri- colas aprobados por trabajos de extensi6n agricola que sirvan de eslab6n entre la estaci6n y fincas particulares; (c) la propagaci6n de material de siembra para distri- buci6n por la Corporaci6n a los agricultores; (d) cooperaci6n con otros centros agricolas del Hemis- ferio Occidental para fomentar la agricultura tropical por medio de consultas e intercambio de ma- terial de propagaci6n, informes cientificos y de personal; (e) cooperaci6n con la sanidad piblica, colonizaci6n y centros de rehabili- taci6n agricola de los Estados Unidos de America, Ecuador y demas paises del Hemisferio Occi- dental para el desarrollo de la agricultura en Ecuador; (f) consi- derando la posibilidad de que la Corporaci6n Ecuatoriana de Fo- mento sembrara varios miles de hectireas de Hevea, abaci y barbasco en el Ecuador, la Esta- ci6n suiniiiistrarl. asistetncia coin- pletia en ill tal programn de sicimbra. 2. El Gobierno del Ecuador suniinistrar4 todas las tierras nece- sarias para levar investigaciones y trabajos de demonstraci6n desti- nados a fomentar la producci6n lucrativa de cosechas exportables tales como: cacao, hule, fibras, in- secticidas, productos medicinales, aceites vegetales, etc., y aumentar la renta y comercio exterior del pueblo ecuatoriano. Dichas tie- rras seran escogidas por el Director de la Estaci6n en cooperaci6n con la respective entidad del Gobierno del Ecuador, la Corporaci6n Ecua- Use of land. 1788