Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/547

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. in regard to the above-mentioned matters, to any article originating in any third country or consigned to the territory of any third country shall be accorded imme- diately and without compensation to the like article originating in or consigned to the territory of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay or the United States of America, respectively. ARTICLE II 1. Articles the growth, prod- uce or manufacture of the United States of America or the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, shall, after importation into the other coun- try, be exempt from all internal taxes, fees, charges or exactions other or higher than those pay- able on like articles of national origin or of any other foreign origin. 2. The provisions of this Article relating to national treatment shall not apply to taxes imposed by the Oriental Republic of Uru- guay on pharmaceutical special- ties, toilet and perfumery prod- ucts, cigarettes, cigars, fortified wines, vernuth, champagne, matches and playing cards. ARTICLE III 1. No prohibition or restriction of any kind shall be imposed by the Government of either country on the importation of any article the growth, produce or manufac- ture of the other country or upon the exportation of any article des- tined for the other country, unless the importation of the like article the growth, produce or manufac- ture of all third countries, or the exportation of the like article to Uruguay, con respecto a las mate- rias arriba referidas, a cualquier articulo originario de cualquier pals tercero o destinado al terri- torio de cualquier tercer pals, se otorgara inmediatamente y sin compensaci6n al articulo similar originario del territorio de la Re- publica Oriental del Uruguay o de los Estados Unidos de America respectivamente, o destinado a estos parses. ARTICULO II 1. Los articulos cultivados, producidos o manufacturados en los Estados Unidos de America o en la Repdblica Oriental del Uru- guay, estarAn exentos, despuds de importados al otro pals, de todo impuesto, tasa, carga o gravamen internos diferentes o mas elevados que aquellos que gravan los arti- culos similares de origen nacional o de cualquier otro origen extran- jero. 2. Las disposiciones de este articulo relativas al tratamiento nacional no se aplicaran a los impuestos fijados por la Republica Oriental del Uruguay sobre espe- cialidades farmaceuticas, produc- tos do tocador y perfumeria, ciga- rrillos, cigarros de hoja, vinos finos licorosos, vermouth, champagne, fosforos y naipes. ARTICULO III 1. El Gobierno de ninguno de los dos paises impondrA ninguna prohibici6n o restricci6n de cual- quier naturaleza sobre la importa- ci6n de cualquier articulo culti- vado, producido o manufacturado del otro pals o a la exportaci6n de cualquier articulo destinado al otro pals, a menos que la importaci6n del articulo similar cultivado, pro- ducido o manufacturado en todos los terceros palses, o la exportaci6n Limitation .on in- ternal taxes, etc. Exceptions. Freedom of imports and exports. 1628