Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/453

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1534 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. SCHEDULE II-Continued United States Tariff Act of 1930 Paragraph Description of Article Rate of Duty 1719 Minerals, crude, or not advanced in value or con- dition by refining or grinding, or by other process of manufacture, not specially provided for: Vanadium ore or concentrates Free Note: The existing customs classification treat- ment of vanadium ores or concentrates in ac- cordance with the principle of the ruling announced in Treasury Decision 50604-1 shall be continued during the effective period of this agreement. 1722 Barbasco or cube root, crude or unmanufactured, not specially provided for Free 1732 Oils, expressed or extracted: Oiticica Free 1748 Quinine sulphate and all alkaloids and salts or [1] alkaloids derived from cinchona bark Free 1765 Goat and kid skins, raw Free 1765 Reptile skins, raw Free 1768 (1) Spices and spice seeds: Ginger root, not preserved or candied, if un- ground Free 1778 Tagua nuts Free 1779 Tamarinds Free 1803 (1) Sawed balsa lumber and timber, not further manu- factured than planed, and tongued and grooved, not specially provided for Free 1803 (2) Balsa, cedar commercially known as Spanish cedar, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, and satinwood, in the log Free Internal Rev- enue Code Section Description of Article Rate of Import Tax 3424 Cedar commercially known as Spanish cedar, gran- adilla, mahogany, rosewood, and satinwood lum- ber, rough, or planed or dressed on one or more sides $1.50 per thousand feet, board meas- ure 3424 Balsa lumber, rough, or planed or dressed on one or more sides $1.50 per thousand feet, board meas- ure Note: Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to prevent the imposition, in addition to the import tax under item 3424 of this schedule, of a tariff duty on cedar commercially known as Spanish cedar, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood and satinwood lumber planed or dressed on one or more sides at a rate not in excess of the rate of duty provided for in item 404 of this schedule. The provisions of this agreement shall not be construed to be in conflict with section 3424 (b) of the Inter- nal Revenue Code of the United States of America. [So in the original.]