Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/427

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1508 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. The Secretary of State to the Minister of Switzerland, in Charge of German Interests The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Honorable the Minister of Switzerland in charge of German interests and has the honor, with reference to his note of March 4, 1942 submitting pro- posals from the German Government, to communicate the following: The Government of the United States accepts the proposal of the Government of the German Reich to enforce the Model Agreement attached to the Geneva Convention concerning direct repatriation and hospitalization in a neutral country of prisoners of war for reasons of health. The Government of the United States has taken note of the state- ment of the German Government to the effect that the German Armed Forces Information Service located at Hohenstaufenstrasse 47, Berlin W. 30, has received the necessary instructions to give informa- tion in regard to members of the American Armed Forces taken pris- oners of war by Germany and to give particulars regarding such pris- oners of war to the Legation of Switzerland designated by the American Government as Protecting Power as well as to the Central Information Office for Prisoners of War at Geneva. The Prisoners of War Information Bureau established by the Government of the United States in the office of the Provost Marshal General of the United States Army will furnish to the Legation of Switzerland, designated by the German Government as Protecting Power, as well as to the Central Information Office for Prisoners of War at Geneva, particulars regarding members of the German Armed Forces taken prisoners by the United States. In accordance with the declared intention of the United States to apply to civilian enemy alien internees the provisions of the Geneva Prisoner of War Convention to the fullest extent possible, the Civilian Internee Information Bureau in the office of the Provost Marshal General of the United States Army is already transmitting to the Legation of Switzerland and to the Central Information Office at Geneva particulars regarding German civilians interned or temporarily detained by the United States. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, March 30, 1942