Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/385

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. or during the life of this agreement be any taxes that might affect the said salaries, such taxes shall be borne by the Brazilian Ministry of Marine, in order to comply with the provision stipulated above that the compensation agreed upon shall be net. ART. 2. -The compensation agreed upon in the preceding Article shall commence upon the date of departure from New York of each member of the Mission, and shall continue, following the termination of duty with the Mission, for the return voyage to New York and thereafter for the period of any accumulated leave which may be due. ART. 3. - T he compensation due for the period of the return voyage and accumulated leave shall be paid a detached member prior to his departure from Brazil, and such payment shall be computed for travel via the shortest usually travelled sea route regardless of the route and method of travel elected by the said detached member. ART. 4 .- Each member of the Mission and his family shall be furnished by the Government of Brazil with first class accommoda- tions for travel, via the shortest usually travelled sea route, re- quired and performed under this agreement, between New York and Rio de Janeiro, both for the outward and for the return voy- age. The shipment of household effects, baggage, and automobile of each member of the Mission between New York and his resi- dence in Brazil shall be made in the same manner by the Govern- ment of Brazil; this shall include all necessary expenses incident to unloading from the steamer in Brazil and packing and loading on presentemente ou durante a vigen- cia deste contrato, recaiam s6bre os referidos vencimentos, tais im- postos ficarao a cargo do Minis- terio da Marinha do Brasil, afim de que, de ac6rdo cor o que ficou acima estipulado, a remuneragao estabelecida seja liquida. ART. 2Q-A remuneragao esta- belecida no Artigo precedente comegara a vigorar na data da partida de cada membro da Mis- sao de Nova York e continuara, concluido o servigo na Missao, ate a data da chegada de regresso a Nova York, e ainda pelo periodo de quaisquer ferias acumuladas a que tenha direito. ART. 3Q-A remuneragao devi- da, correspondente aos periodos de viagens de regresso e f6rias acumuladas, serb paga ao membro desligado, antes de sua partida do Brasil, e tal pagamento sera cal- culado considerando-se a viagem pela via maritima usual mais curta, qualquer que seja a rota ou meio de transporte escolhido pelo membro desligado. ART. 4Q-0 Govbrno do Brasil fonecera a todos os membros da Missao e suas familias, tanto para a vinda como para o regresso, passagens de primeira classe, pela via maritima usual mais curta, para as viagens que se tornem necessarias e sejam realizadas em virtude deste contrato, entre Nova York e o Rio de Janeiro. 0 trans- porte de objetos domesticos, baga- gem e autom6vel de cada membro da Missao, entre Nova York e sua residencia no Brasil, sera pago, do mesmo modo, pelo Governo do Brasil, inclusive todas as despesas necessarias relativas A descarga no Brasil e ao acondicionamento e embarque no navio, ao partir do Brasil. 0 transporte de tais ob- Travel accommoda- tions. Shipment of house- hold effects, etc. 1466