Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/337

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1418 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [56 STAT. The American Minister to the Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PORT-AU -PRINCE, HAITI February 19, 1942. No. 359 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's note of February 16, 1942, in which you reiterate the adherence of your Government to the principle of promoting the multilateral develop- ment of international trade on the unconditional most-favored-nation basis and refer to the exclusive tariff reductions to the Dominican Republic specifically provided for in the Treaty of Commerce between Haiti and that country signed on August 26, 1941. In this connec- tion you mention the contractual formula for tariff preferences to contiguous countries recommended on September 18, 1941, by the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee, and inquire whether, in view of the Committee's recommendation and considering the special and unusual conditions affecting trade between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, my Government would be willing to refrain from claiming, under the provisions of the trade agreement 49Stat. 337. between our two countries of March 28, 1935, the benefit of the Tariff preferences to the Dominican Republic specifically provided for in'the Treaty of Commerce. Agrseement by I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Government, in view of the considerations set forth, agrees not to invoke the perti- nent provisions of the trade agreement for the purpose of claiming the benefit of such tariff preferences. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my high consideration. J. C. WHITE His Excellency M. CHARLES FOMBRUN, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Port-au -Prince.