Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/250

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[56 STAT. 1330 cuyas funciones serin, en lo ge- neral, estimular el interes y pro- porcionar informaci6n sobre ma- teria indigena a personas o insti- tuciones pdblicas o privadas y realizar estudios sobre la misma materia, de inter6s particular para el pals. 2. Los Institutes Nacionales se- ran filiales del Instituto Indigenista Interamericano, al que rendirin un informe anual. 3. El financiamiento, organiza- ci6n y reglamentos de los Insti- tutos Nacionales, serAn de la competencia de las naciones res- pectivas. ARTICULO XI Idioma Seran idiomas oficiales el es- pafiol, el ingles, el portugues y el franc6s. El Comit6 Ejecutivo acordara traducciones especiales a estos y a idiomas indigenas ame- ricanos, cuando lo estime conve- niente. ARTICULO XII Documentos Los gobiernos participantes re- mitiran al Instituto Indigenista Interamericano dos copias de los documentos oficiales y de las publicaciones relacionadas con las finalidades y funciones del Ins- tituto, hasta donde lo permitan la legislaci6n y practicas internas de cada pais. Institutes.['] The functions of said Institutes shall, by and large, consist in stimulating interest in and furnishing information about Indian matters to any persons and to public and private institutions. Such National Institutes shall fur- ther carry out any studies on these questions that may be of particular interest to the Nation concerned. 2. National Indian Institutes shall be affiliated to the Inter- American Indian Institute, to which they shall submit an annual report. 3. The financing, organization and regulations of said National Indian Institutes shall be matters falling exclusively within the pur- view of the respective Govern- ments. ARTICLE XI Languages The official languages shall be English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. The Executive Commit- tee shall authorize special transla- tions into these and into American Indian languages when it may deem fit. ARTICLE XII Documents Governments participating shall send to the Inter-American Indian Institute two copies of any official documents and publications in any way connected with the functions and aims of the Institute, to the extent allowed by the domestic legislation and practices of each country. [A National Indian Institute for the United States of America was estab- lished in the Department of the Interior by Executive Order 8930, signed Nov. 1, 1941. 6 FederalRegister 5613.1 TREATIES