Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/226

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TREATIES 1940, aprob6 la creaci6n del Insti- tuto, y propuso la celebraci6n de una Convenci6n al respecto; Han resuelto celebrar la presente Convenci6n que sera.firmada como lo dispone el articulo XVI de la misma, para dar forma a tales recomendaciones y prop6sitos, y Poit, p. 1332. para el efecto, han convenido en lo siguiente: Los Gobiernos contratantes acuerdan elucidar los problemas que afectan a los nucleos indigenas en sus respectivas jurisdicciones, y cooperar entre si sobre la base del respeto mutuo de los derechos inherentes a su completa inde- pendencia para la resoluci6n del problema indigena en America, por medio de reuniones peri6dicas, de un Instituto Indigenista Inter- americano, y de Institutos Indi- genistas Nacionales, cuya organi- zaci6n y funciones serAn regidas por la presente Convenci6n, en los t6rminos que siguen: ARTICULO I Organos Los Estados contratantes pro- penden al cumplimiento de los prop6sitos y finalidades expresa- dos en el preambulo, mediante los 6rganos siguientes: 1. Un Congreso Indigenista In- teramericano. 2. El Instituto Indigenista In- teramericano, bajo la direcci6n de un Consejo Directivo. lation and organization; and whereas the First Inter-American Indian Conference that was held at Patzcuaro in April 1940, passed a resolution creating the Inter- American Indian Institute and recommended the conclusion of a Convention to that end: Now therefore, the Govern- ments of the American Republics have decided to conclude the present Convention, which will be signed in the manner provided by article XVI, in order to give form to said recommendations and pur- poses, and have agreed to the following: The contracting Governments hereby agree to elucidate the problems affecting the Indian groups within their respective ju- risdictions, and to cooperate with one another, on a basis of mutual respect for the inherent rights of each to exercise absolute liberty in solving the "Indian Problem" in America, by means of periodical meetings, by means of an Inter- American Indian Institute and of National Indian Institutes, whose organization and functioning shall be governed by this Convention in accordance with the following articles: ARTICLE I Organizations The Contracting States shall seek to achieve performance of the aims and purposes set out in the preamble hereof, by means of the following organizations: 1. An Inter-American Indian Conference. 2. An Inter-American Indian Institute, managed by a Govern- ing Board. 1306 [56 STAT.