Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/972

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Marshals, U. S.: Page Appropriation for salaries, etc--------- 294 Transportation allowance------------- 295 Maryland, bridge authorized across Poto- mac River at Sandy Hook---------- 45 Massachusetts: Appropriation for marine school main- tenance ---------------------- 120 Bedford, grant of easements to, for road-widening purposes---------- 842 Flood-protection works authorized__- 639, 640 Judicial district, repeal of prohibition against filling vacancy ----------- 773 Massingale, Sam C., payment to widow of 62 Matadero Creek, Calif., examination au- thorized ------------------------ 650 Matches, tax on ----- __

713 Maternal and Child Health Services, appropriation for grants to States for ---------------------------- 469 Maternal and Child Welfare, appropria- tion for------------------------ 469, 834 Mauckport, Ind., time extended for bridg- ing Ohio River at ---------------- 626 Maunabo River, P. R., examination au- thorized ----- _------------------ 650 Maxwell, A. J . (Lt. Col.), credit in ac- counts of ------------------------ 138 McAlister, Charles K. (Capt.), credit in accounts of ---------------------- 137 McMinnville, Oreg., reimbursement to-- _ 774 McNeil Island, Wash., appropriation for construction and repair of buildings-- 296 Meat Inspection Act, appropriation for enforcement -------------------- 417 Mechanicsburg, Pa., Naval Supply Depot, appropriation for ------- .- - -- -- -- - - 815 Mechanicville, N. Y., bridge authorized across Hudson River at ----------- 87 Mediation Board. See National Medi- ation Board. Mediation Board, National Defense, ap- propriation for expenses ------------ 543 Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, Springfield, Mo., appropriation for maintenance, etc -------------- 296, 833 Melville, R. I., Naval Fuel Depot: Appropriation for ------------------ 678 Construction authorized-------------- 663 Memphis, Tenn., time extended for bridging Mississippi River at------- 775 Menominee Indians, Wis., appropriation for: Attorneys, compensation and expenses- 552 Salaries and expenses of general council, etc- -------------------------_ Mental Hygiene, Division of. See under Public Health Service. Merchant Marine. See Vessels. 326 Merchant Marine Act, 1936. See also Maritime Commission. Amendments- Maritime Labor Board, mediation, etc., services--_-------------- Title X, expiration date------------ Appropriation for carrying out pro- visions of---------------------- Contract authorization for carrying out provisions of ------------------- Merchant Vessels. See Vessels. Mermentau River Basin, flood-control Page 259 259 119 6 project authorized ---------------- 641 Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., appro- priation for -------------------- 347, 352 Mescalero Hospital, N. Mex., appro- priation for -------------------- - 324 Mescalero Indians, N. Mex., appropria- tion for purchase of land --------- 312 Metals Reserve Company, tax exemptions_ 248 Meteorological Committee, International, appropriation for contribution------ 289 Meteorological Organization, Interna- tional: Regional Commissions III and IV, invi- tation to meet----- ---------- 260 Appropriation authorized ---------- 260 Appropriation for -------------- 754 Meteorological Services, Meeting of Na- tional Directors of, invitation to Western Hemisphere countries ------ 260 Appropriation authorized------------- Appropriation for _ --_-- ---------- Methyl Bromide Investigations, insect- pest control, funds available ------- Mexican Fruitfly Control, appropriation for ....-- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- Mexico: Appropriation for- Agrarian Claims Commission, United States and------------------ Ambassador to ----------------- Cotton and cottonseed, preventing importation, etc-------------- International Boundary Commission, United States and------------- Mexican fruitfly control, cooperation with ---------------------- Migratory birds, carrying into effect treaty provisions concerning - -- Pink bollworm and Thurberia weevil control---------------------- Coronado International Memorial, es- tablishment of------------------ International Boundary Commission, United States and- Valley Gravity Canal and Storage Project, Tex., construction, etc., of international features------ 260 754 429 427 662 267 429 273 427 355 428 630 338 INDEX LXIV