Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/889

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864 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 633-DEC. 26, 1941 [55 STAT. other detonating agents, smokeless powders, and any chemical com- pounds or mechanical mixture that contains any oxidizing and com- bustible units, or other ingredients, in such proportions, quantities, or packing that ignition by fire, by friction, by concussion, by percussion, or by detonation of the compound or mixture or any part thereof may cause an explosion. The term 'explosive' or 'explosives' shall not include cartridges for small arms or shotguns, or such fire- works or signalling devices as are designated by the Director, nor shall such terms include ships' signal or emergency equipment. "Ingredients." "(2) The term 'ingredients' shall mean phosphorus and active oxidizing chemicals that can be combined with one or more reducing materials to produce an explosive. "Person." "(3) The term 'person' shall include executive departments, inde- pendent establishments, and other agencies of the United States, the District of Columbia, Territories, and insular possessions of the United States, States, and municipalities and other political subdivi- sions thereof; and individuals, partnerships, associations, societies, and corporations. " Director. " "(4) The term 'Director' shall mean the Director of the Bureau of Mines. mLiensing require- "SEC. 2. No person shall manufacture, distribute, store, sell, issue, give, or otherwise dispose of explosives or ingredients unless such person is licensed under this Act. "Except as provided in section 4, no person shall distribute, sell, issue, give, or otherwise dispose of explosives or ingredients to a person who is not licensed under this Act. "Except as provided in section 4, no person shall possess, purchase, accept, receive, acquire, or use explosives or ingredients unless such person is licensed under this Act. prPovisions it'l o f "SEC. 3. The purchase or possession of ingredients when purchased qIngtrtiets in"sa 1 or held in small quantities and not used or intended to be used in the manufacture of explosives shall not be subject to the provisions of transivest et ., in this Act. This Act shall not apply to explosives or ingredients which are in transit upon vessels, railroad cars, or conveyances in conformity with the statutory provisions or rules and regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission, or regulations of the Secretary of Commerce. oovernmentt us. . " r This Act shall not be construed to prevent the manufacture under the authority of the United States of explosives for, or their sale to or Arls,n possession by, the military or naval service of the United States or yards,etc.l s ' the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This Act shall not apply to arsenals, navy yards, depots or other establishments owned by, or operated by or on behalf of, the United States. The Director may, however, cooperate with the heads of departments having jurisdiction to investigateexpilo over such establishments. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to sions. modify or otherwise affect in any way the authority of the Federal Bureau of Investigation with respect to the investigation of explosions, accidents, or fires. le or isdsue by "SEC. 4. A superintendent, foreman, or other duly authorized employee at a mine, quarry, or other work, may, when licensed so to do, sell or issue to any employee under him such amount of explosives or ingredients as may be required by that employee in the performance of his duties. The employee may purchase or accept the explosives or ingredients so sold or issued, but the person so selling or issuing the same shall see that any unused explosives or ingredients are returned and that no explosives or ingredients are taken by the employee to any point not necessary to the carrying on of his duties. Itemied records to "SEC. 5 . Each person licensed to sell, issue, or otherwise dispose of eeptbyl . explosives or ingredients shall keep a complete, itemized, and accurate record showing each person to whom and the purpose for which