Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/798

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CHS. 478-480-NOV. 21 , 1941 a right-of-way over and across the Kalamazoo National Guard Target Range, Michigan, for railroad industrial spur-track purposes, with full power to locate, construct, and operate a railroad industrial spur track with necessary appurtenances, appendages, and adjuncts, the location and width of such right-of-way to be determined by the Secretary of War: Provided, That the land shall not be used for other than railroad industrial spur purposes, and when the property shall cease to be so used it shall revert to the United States. Approved, November 21, 1941. [CHAPTER 479] AN ACT To repeal the prohibition against the filling of a vacancy in the office of district judge for the district of Massachusetts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provision of subsection (e) of section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the appointment of additional judges for certain United States district courts, circuit courts of appeals, and certain courts of the United States for the District of Columbia", approved May 31, 1938 (52 Stat. 585; U. S . C ., title 28, sec. 4v), which reads: "Provided, That the first vacancy occurring in the office of district judge for the district of Massachusetts by the retirement, disqualification, resigna- tion, or death of judges in office on the date of enactment of this Act shall not be filled;" be, and it is hereby, repealed. Approved, November 21, 1941. [CHAPTER 480] AN ACT To provide for the alteration, reconstruction, or relocation of certain highway and railroad bridges by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever, as the result of the construction of any dam, reservoir, or other improve- ment under the provisions of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, or amendments thereto, any bridge, trestle, or other highway or railroad structure located over, upon, or across the Tennessee River or any of its navigable tributaries, including approaches, fenders, and appurte- nances thereto, is endangered or otherwise adversely affected and damaged, including any interference with or impairment of its use, to the extent that protection, alteration, reconstruction, relocation, or replacement is necessary or proper to preserve its safety or utility or to meet the requirements of navigation or flood control, or both, the owner or owners of such bridge, trestle, or structure shall be com- pensated by the Tennessee Valley Authority in the sum of the rea- sonable actual cost of such protection, alteration, reconstruction, relocation, or replacement: Provided,That in arriving at the amount of such compensation the bridge owner shall be charged with a sum which shall equal the net value to the owner of any direct and special benefits accruing to the owner from any improvement or addition or betterment of the altered, reconstructed, relocated, or replaced bridge, trestle, or structure. The Tennessee Valley Authority is empowered to contract with such owner with respect to any such protection, alteration, reconstruction, relocation, or replacement, the payment of the cost thereof and its proper division, which contract may provide either for money compensation or for the performance of all or any November 21, 1941 [H. R . 2596] [Public Law 300] United States courts. Repeal ofdesignated provision. 28U.S.C.§ and note. November 21, 1941 [H. R . 3182] [Public Law 301] Tennessee Val ey Authority. Reconstruction, etc.,o<f(crttill briderll .. 48 Stat. 58 . 16 I. S. (. (.831- 831dd. Prosos. Owner to be charged for benefits. Contracting author- ity. 773 ProEiso.