Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/795

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 474, 475-NOV. 19, 21, 1941 [55 STAT. 31 U.S. C. 686. Proviso. Provo. Short title. [CHAPTER 475] November 21, 1941 Is. 2024] [Public Law 296i] AN ACT To authorize the incorporated city of Ketchikan, Alaska, to undertake certain public works and for such purpose to issue bonds in a sum not exceeding $250,000 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Ketchikan, Alaska. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the incor- public works. porated city of Ketchikan, Alaska, is hereby authorized and empowered (1) to construct, furnish, and equip a new public-school building, including the purchase and clearing of the necessary site therefor; (2) to reconstruct and remodel for use as a high school the present public-school building which is now jointly used for grade and high-school purposes; (3) to construct, furnish, and equip a new fire hall for use of the city and to tear down and remove the present building used for that purpose which is no longer safe or adequate; Bond issue, and for such purposes to issue bonds in any amount not exceeding $250,000, the same to be in excess of the present bonded indebtedness of said city. Special election. SEC. 2 . Before said bonds shall be issued a special election shall be ordered by the common council of the said city of Ketchikan, Alaska, at which election the question of whether such bonds shall be issued in any amount not exceeding $250,000 for any or all of the purposes hereinbefore set forth shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said city of Ketchikan, Alaska, whose names appear on the last assessment roll of said city for purposes of municipal taxation. The form of the ballot shall be such that the electors may vote for or 770 construction of roads or bridges, including the preparation of plans, designs, specifications and estimates, the execution of contracts, and supervision of the work, payment of all costs involved in such work to be made by transfer of funds in accordance with the provisions of section 7 of the Act approved May 21, 1920 (41 Stat. 613), as amended. SEC. 16. DETAIL OF EMPLOYEES AS STUDENTS.- During any fiscal year the Commissioner of Public Roads is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to detail not to exceed ten of the regularly employed per- sonnel of the Public Roads Administration as students for limited periods at such technical institutions as will enable such personnel to acquire special knowledge which will better fit them for the lines of work to which they are assigned: Provided, That no expense other than the salaries of personnel so detailed and the cost of tuition and other regular fees required at such institutions shall be incurred by the United States under this section. SEC. 17 . DETAIL OF ARMY AND NAVY OFFICERS.-The Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, upon request of the Federal Works Administrator, are authorized to make temporary details to the Public Roads Administration of officers of the Army and officers of the Navy, without additional compensation, for technical advice and for consultation regarding highway needs for the national defense: Provided,That the travel and subsistence expenses of officers so detailed shall be paid, from appropriations available to the Public Roads Administration, on the same basis as authorized by law and by regulations of the War Department for officers of the Army and by law and by regulations of the Navy Department for officers of the Navy. SEC. 18. This Act may be cited as the "Defense Highway Act of 1941". Approved, November 19, 1941.