Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/65

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 16 -MAR. 17, 1941 Bellevue, D. C . Naval research laboratory, Bellevue, District of Columbia: Addi- tional research facilities, including buildings and accessories, $309,000. Floating drydock Floating drydock ARD-2: Accessory construction, including equip- ment and towing and mooring facilities, $500,000. Fifth Naval Dis- Fifth Naval District: District communication center, including extension of underground service lines, replacement of administration building destroyed by fire on January 26, 1941, and additional officers' quarters, $1,250,000. tenth Naval Dis- Tenth Naval District: Acquisition, improvement, and development of Puerto Rican drydock including berthing and limited repair facilities, $2,500,000; bombproofing communication centers, bomb- proofed shelters for personnel, recreation facilities, and acquisition of land, $650,000. DiEetinth Naval Eleventh Naval District: High frequency strategic direction finder station, including acquisition of land, $80,000. DiFrteenth Naval Fourteenth Naval District: Bombproofing communication centers, bombproof shelters for personnel, quarters for officers, recreation facilities, and acquisition of land, $2,300,000. Fifteenth Naval Fifteenth Naval District: Bombproofing communication centers, bombproof shelters for personnel, quarters for officers and recreation facilities, $1,340,000. Basnbridge Island, Naval radio station, Bainbridge Island, Washington: Radio trans- mitting station, including buildings and accessories, and acquisition of land, $350,000. Cost-plus-a-fixed- The provisions of section 4 of the Act approved April 25, 1939 (53 Stat. 590-592), shall be applicable to all public-works and public- Limitation. utilities projects provided in this title, regardless of location: Pro- vided, That the fixed fee to be paid the contractor as a result of any contract hereafter entered into under the authority of the above- mentioned Act shall not exceed 6 per centum of the estimated cost of the contract, exclusive of the fee, as determined by the Secretary of the Navy. Cost variations To enable the Secretary of the Navy to expedite the construction or provision of the public-works and public-utilities projects men- tioned in this title, the limit of cost indicated for each of such projects may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be varied upward or downward by an amount not to exceed 10 per centum, but the aggregate of all such limits of cost shall not be exceeded. a.4 8at. 1R') .4 tat. 282. BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS Aviation, Navy, including not to exceed $459,000 for passenger- carrying motorbusses for air stations, $96,382,300, and, in addition, tContract authoz- the Secretary of the Navy may enter into contracts prior to July 1, 1941, for airplanes to an amount not in excess of $15,000,000 and for plant facilities to an amount not in excess of $15,000,000. 54 Stat. 283 . MARINE CORPS Pay, Marine Corps, $8,241,559. General expenses. Marine Corps: Provisions, $2,095,000; Clothing, $2,800,000; Fuel, $191,050; Military supplies and equipment, $3,010,000; Transportation of troops and recruiting, $450,000; Repairs and improvements to barracks, and so forth, $195,000; Miscellaneous supplies and expenses, $1,880,000; In all, general expenses, Marine Corps, $10,621,050. [55 STAT.