Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/599

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 273-JULY 3, 1941 For Indian boarding schools, 49 cents. For support of Indians and administration of Indian property, 59 cents. For irrigation, Indian reservations (reimbursable), $2.26. For expenses of organizing Indian corporations, $68.35. For agriculture and stock raising among Indians, $65.63. Department of Justice: For salaries and expenses, Immigration and Naturalization Service, $27.22. Navy Department: For ordnance and ordnance stores, Bureau of Ordnance, $47,869.48. For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $929.62. For payment to officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (Navy), $57.14. For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $32,642.55. For aviation, Navy, $1,780.20. For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, 32 cents. Department of State: For contingent expenses, Foreign Service, $505. For foreign-service pay adjustment, appreciation of Foreign cur- rencies (State), $19.33 . For transportation of Foreign Service officers, $63.04. Treasury Department: For collecting the internal revenue, $1.59. For stationery, Treasury Department, $1.18. War Department: For Organized Reserves, 15 cents. For Army transportation, $85.90. For pay, etc., of the Army, $286.19. For pay of the Army, $39.11 . For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $2.38 . For clothing and equipage, $62.10. For Air Corps, Army, $27.36. For travel of the Army, $1.20. For working fund, War, Chemical Warfare Service (Navy, con- struction repair), $984.98. For Reserve Officers' Training Corps, $22.22 . For Civilian Conservation Corps, $322.33 . For emergency conservation work (transfer to War, Act June 49Stat. 1i1 . 22, 1936), $64.70. For emergency conservation work (transfer to War, Act February 0Stat. 1o. 9, 1937), $72.50. For emergency conservation fund (transfer to War, Act March 8stat. 2. 31, 1933), $171.93. For emergency conservation fund (transfer to War, Act June 19, 48 stat. 105. 1934), $28.55 . Emergency relief: For emergency relief, emergency conservation work, War, Civilian Conservation Corps, $436.17. For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, administra- tive expenses, general, $55.70. For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, Federal projects approved prior to June 30, 1937, $241.83. For emergency relief, Resettlement Administration, sanitation, pre- vention of soil erosion, and so forth (transfer to Agriculture), $3,229. For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, National Youth Administration (Federal projects), $68.97. For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, grants to States, and so forth, $86.46. For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, assistance for educational, professional, and clerical persons, $7.50. For emergency relief, Resettlement Administration, rural rehabili- tation (transfer to Agriculture), $63.50. [55 STAT.