Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/529

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH 271-JULY 1, 1941 Proiss. Stenographic re- porting services. Court costs. Provso. 30 Stat. 250. D. C. Code §i 47-1001 to 47-1009. Proviso. Printing and bind- inmg. Proaisos. Approval by Com- missioners. Reappropriation. 54 Stat. 311. Post, p. 835. Private vehicle al- lowances. Proviso. Use of District- owned vehicles. Transportation be- tween domicile and place of employment. States for the District of Columbia, $1,500: Provided, That the Com- missioners of the District of Columbia are authorized, when in their judgment such action be deemed in the public interest, to contract for stenographic reporting services without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U. S. C. 5) under available appropriations con- tained in this Act: Provided further, That neither the District of Columbia nor any officer thereof acting in his official capacity for the District of Columbia shall be required to pay court costs to the clerk of any court in and for the District of Columbia. For general advertising, authorized and required by law, and for tax and school notices and notices of changes in regulations, $9,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for the pay- ment of advertising in newspapers published outside of the District of Columbia, notwithstanding the requirement for such advertising provided by existing law. For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July 1, 1941, as required to be given by the Act of February 28, 1898, as amended, to be reim- bursed by a charge of 50 cents for each lot or piece of property advertised, $2,500: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for the payment of advertising the delinquent tax list for more than once a week for two weeks in the regular issue of one morning or one evening newspaper published in the District of Columbia, notwithstanding the provisions of existing law. For printing and binding, $48,500: Provided, That no part of the appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for expenditure for printing and binding unless the need for such expenditure shall have been specifically approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or by the purchasing officer and the auditor for the District of Columbia acting for such Commissioners: Provided fur- ther, That the unexpended balance of the appropriation under this head in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1941, is hereby continued available until June 30, 1942. CENTRAL GARAGE For maintenance, care, repair, and operation of passenger-carry- ing automobiles, work cars, field wagons, ambulances, and busses owned by the District of Columbia, including personal services, $55,520; for purchase (including exchange) of passenger-carrying automobiles, work cars, and field wagons, $7,400; and for purchase (including exchange) of one ambulance for the Health Department, $2,000, and two field wagons for the surveyor's office, $1,700; in all, $66,620. For allowances for furnishing privately owned motor vehicles in the performance of official duties at a rate of not to exceed $264 per year for each automobile, $12,936: Provided, That allowances under this appropriation shall be made only to persons whose duties require full-time field service. All motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles owned by the District of Columbia shall be used exclusively for "official purposes" directly pertaining to the public services of said District and shall be under the direction and control of the Commissioners, who may from time to time alter or change the assignment for use thereof or direct the joint or interchangeable use of any of the same by officials and employees of the District, except as otherwise provided in this Act; and "official purposes" shall not include the transportation of officers and employees between their domiciles and places of employment, except as to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia and in cases of officers and employees the character of whose duties makes 504 [55 STAT.