Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/395

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 262-JUNE 30, 1941 Retired officer sell- ing supplies to Army, pay restriction. Officers, etc. , en- gaged with certain service publications. Proviso. Post, p. 811. Travel allowances, etc. Dependents. Nurses, civilian em- ployees, etc. Amount available for 1941 obligations. 54 Stat. 356. Transfers from other appropriations. Restriction. No payment shall be made from money appropriated in this Act to any officer on the retired list of the Army who, for himself or for others, is engaged in the selling of, contracting for the sale of, or negotiating for the sale of, to the Army or the War Department, any war materials or supplies. No appropriation for the pay of the Army shall be available for the pay of any officer or enlisted man on the active list of the Army who is engaged in any manner with any publication which is or may be issued by or for any branch or organization of the Army or mili- tary association in which officers or enlisted men have membership and which carries paid advertising of firms doing business with the War Department: Provided, however, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit officers from writing or disseminating articles in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary of War. TRAVEL OF THE ARMY For travel allowances and travel in kind, as authorized by law, for persons traveling in connection with the military activities of the War Department, including mileage, transportation, reimbursement of actual expenses, or per diem allowances, to officers and contract sur- geons; transportation of troops; transportation, or reimbursement therefor, of nurses, enlisted men, recruits, recruiting parties, appli- cants for enlistment between places of acceptance for enlistment and recruiting stations, rejected applicants for enlistment, general prisoners, cadets and accepted cadets from their homes to the Mili- tary Academy, discharged cadets, civilian employees, civilian wit- nesses before courts martial, and dependents of military personnel, including dependents (as now authorized by law for personnel of the Regular Army) of personnel of the National Guard while in the service of the United States and of the Officers' Reserve Corps and the Enlisted Reserve Corps ordered to active duty for periods in excess of sixty-one days, and dependents of retired officers, warrant officers and enlisted men of the first three grades, and dependents of enlisted men of the first three grades of the Regular Army Reserve ordered to active duty and upon relief therefrom; travel pay to discharged military personnel; transportation of discharged pris- oners and persons discharged from Saint Elizabeths Hospital after transfer thereto from the military service, to their homes, or else- where as they may elect, the cost in each case not to be greater than to the place of last enlistment; monetary allowances for liquid coffee for troops traveling when supplied with cooked or travel rations; commutation of quarters and rations to enlisted men travel- ing on detached duty when it is impracticable to carry rations, and to applicants for enlistment and general prisoners traveling under orders; per diem allowances or actual cost of subsistence while in a travel status, to nurses, civilian employees, and civilian witnesses before courts martial, $101,262,000, of which amount not to exceed $4,000,000 shall be available for fiscal year 1941 obligations, and such total amount may be increased, subject to the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, by transfers from other appropriations for the Military Establishment of such amounts as may be required in addition to those herein provided for travel in connection with development, procurement, production, maintenance, or construction activities; and, with such exception, no other appro- priation in this Act shall be available for any expense for or incident to travel of personnel of the Regular Army or civilian employees under the War Department, except the appropriation "Contingencies of the Army" and the appropriations for Military Posts, the National 370 [56 STAT.