Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/385

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 259--JUNE 28, 1941 tofore made, as authorized by Public Resolutions Numbered 59 (49 Stat. 926) and 60 (49 Stat. 928), Seventy-fourth Congress, approved August 27, 1935, not to exceed $20,000 of any unobligated balances of appropriations made by authority of those joint resolutions, including repayment of principal and payments of interest on such loans, is hereby made available for administrative expenses during the fiscal year 1942. EQUATORIAL AND SOUTH SEA ISLANDS Aedministrative ex- For administrative expenses of the Division of Territories and Island Possessions, in carrying out the provisions of Executive 5 F. R . 405; 3 F. R. Orders Numbered 7368 and 7828, approved May 13, 1936, and March 3, 1938, respectively, relating to certain islands of the United States situate in the Pacific Ocean, including personal services outside the District of Columbia (such employment to be by contract, if deemed 41U.S.C .§5. necessary, without regard to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes), rent, traveling expenses, purchase of necessary books, documents, newspapers and periodicals, stationery, hire of automobiles, purchase of equipment, supplies and provisions, and all other necessary expenses, $26,700. urvey,etc.,of Ant- For expenses of the Division of Territories and Island Possessions rctcregos. in the investigation and survey of natural resources of the land and sea areas of the Antarctic regions, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere without regard to the civil- 42uStat. 46- service laws or the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, or by Pos, p. 613. contract, if deemed necessary, without regard to the provisions of 41 US. C.§ 5. section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, rent, traveling expenses, pur- chase of necessary books, documents, newspapers and periodicals, stationery, hire of automobiles, purchase of equipment, supplies and 4 stat.643. provisions, and all other necessary expenses, $19,610, together with the unexpended balance of the 1941 appropriations. Hire of work ani- SEC. 2 . Appropriations herein made for field work shall be avail- ma l s, etc. able for the hire, with or without personal services, of work animals and animal-drawn and motor-propelled vehicles and equipment. Pick-up trucks, etc. SEC. 3 . Appropriations herein made shall be available for the pur- chase, maintenalice, operation, and repair of vehicles generally known as quarter-ton or half-ton pick-up trucks and as station wagons without such vehicles being considered as passenger-carrying vehicles and without the cost of purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair being included in the limitation in the various appropriation items for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles. Citizenship require- SEC. 4. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act or authorized hereby to be expended shall be used to pay the compen- sation of any officer or employee of the Government of the United States or of any agency the majority of the stock of which is owned by the Government of the United States, whose post of duty is in continental United States unless such person is a citizen of the United States, or a person in the service of the United States on the date of the approval of this Act who being eligible for citizenship had there- tofore filed a declaration of intention to become a citizen or who owes allegiance to the United States. Transfer of house- SEC. 5 . Appropriations under the Department of the Interior old effects. available for travel, shall be available for expenses of the transfer of household goods and effects as provided by the Act of October 10, 54Star. 1105. 1940 (Public, Numbered 839), and regulations promulgated there- under. Attendance at meet- SEC. 6 . Appropriations herein made for the following bureaus and ings etc. offices shall be available for expenses of attendance of officers and [55 STAT.