Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/375

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National Park Service, or fires that endanger such areas, including lands in process of condemnation for national park or monument pur- eeappropriation. poses, $40,000, and in addition thereto the unexpended balance for Stat. this purpose for the fiscal year 1941 is continued available during the fiscal year 1942, together with not to exceed $100,000 to be transferred upon the approval of the Secretary of the Interior from the various appropriations for national parks and national monuments herein contained, any such diversions of appropriations to be reported to Proviso. Congress in the annual Budget: Provided, That the allotment of Allotment restric- tion. these funds to the various national parks or areas administered by the National Park Service as may be required for fire-fighting pur- poses shall be made by the Secretary of the Interior, and then only after the obligation for the expenditure has been incurred. Forest protection and fire prevention: For the control and the pre- vention of spread of forest insects and tree diseases and for fire- prevention measures, including equipment, and personal services in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $20,100) and elsewhere, $140,420, to be immediately available. Accounting. The total of the foregoing amounts shall be available in one fund proios. for the National Park Service: Provided, That 10 per centum of the anon e trang e of foregoing amounts shall be available interchangeably and shall be Jefferson National reported to Congress in the annual Budget: Provided further That Expansion Memorial, St. Lous, Mo. no part of the foregoing appropriations for the National Park Service shall be available for the payment of the salaries or expenses of any employee of the National Park Service assigned to duties in connec- tion with the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in Saint Louis, Missouri. Educational lee- Appropriations herein made for the national parks, national monu- tures, etc. ments, and other reservations under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, shall be available for the giving of educational lectures therein; for the services of field employees in cooperation with such nonprofit scientific and historical societies engaged in educational work in the various parks and monuments as the Secretary, in his Travel expenses. discretion, may designate; and for travel expenses of employees attending Government camps for training in forest-fire prevention and suppression and the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Police Academy. Telephones in Gov- Appropriations herein made for the National Park Service shall ernment-owned resi- dences, etc. r be available for the installation and operation of telephones in Gov- ernment-owned residences, apartments, or quarters occupied by employees of the National Park Service. Photographic mat service: Not to exceed an aggregate of $3,000 from any funds available to the National Park Service during the fiscal year 1942 may be used for the preparation of mats for repro- duction in magazines and newspapers of photographs of scenery 54 stat. 861. in the national parks, in accordance with the Act of August 27, 1940 16 U. S. C. 468a. (Public Act Numbered 771, Seventy-sixth Congress). Availability of ap- Hereafter appropriations made for the National Park Service shall propriations. be available for any expenses incident to the preparation and record- ing of title evidence covering lands to be donated to the United States for administration by the National Park Service. Admission fees, tax Hereafter fees incident to admission to the national parks and ePot, p.n 10. monuments and other areas in the national park system charged and collected with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, shall be exempt from all Federal tax on admissions. Roads and Trails, National Park Service: For the construction, reconstruction, and improvement of roads and trails, inclusive of necessary bridges, in the national parks, monuments, and other areas administered by the National Park Service, including the Boulder PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 259--JUNE 28, 1941 L55 STAT. 350