Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/353

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 259-JUNE 28, 1941 Provisos. Limitation on ex- penditures. Visits to Washing- ton, D. C. Yankton Sioux In- dians, S. Dak. Makah Reservation, Wash. Ponca Indians, Okla. Pawnee Indians, Okla. Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche Indians, Okla. Gallup-Shiprock Highway, N. Mex. Ante, p. 207. Proviso. Reservation roads. 45 Stat. 750. 54 Stat. 870. 25U.S. . § 318b. Provisos. Personal services. of the particular tribe interested: Provided, That, except for the Navajo Tribe, not more than $5,000 shall be expended from the funds of any one tribe or band of Indians for the purposes herein specified: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation, or of any other appropriation contained in this Act, shall be available for expenses of members of tribal councils, business committees, or other tribal organizations, when in Washington, for more than a fifteen-day period, unless the Secretary of the Interior shall in writing approve a longer period. Compensation and expenses of attorneys, Yankton Sioux Indians, South Dakota (tribal funds): Not to exceed $2,500 of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Yankton Sioux Indians, South Dakota, is hereby made available for the payment of the compensation and expenses of an attorney or attorneys employed by the Yankton Tribe under a contract approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Expenses of attorneys, Makah Reservation, Washington (tribal funds): Not to exceed $1,700 of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Makah Indians, Washington, is hereby made available for the fiscal years 1941 and 1942 for payment of the compensation and expenses of an attorney employed by the Makah Tribe under a con- tract executed August 7, 1940, and approved by the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with law. Expenses of attorneys, Ponca Indians, Oklahoma (tribal funds): Not to exceed $500 of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Ponca Indians, Oklahoma, is hereby made available for expenses of attorneys employed by the Ponca Tribe under a contract approved by the Secretary of the Interior, such sum to be available during the period of the contract. Expenses of attorneys, Pawnee Indians, Oklahoma (tribal funds): Not to exceed $1,500 of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Pawnee Indians, Oklahoma, is hereby made available for expenses of an attorney employed by the Pawnee Tribe under a contract approved by the Secretary of the Interior, such sum to be available during the period of the contract. Per capita payment to members of the Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche Indians in Oklahoma (tribal funds): The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw as much as may be necessary from any available funds on deposit in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche Indians in Oklahoma, to make immediately therefrom a payment of not to exceed $20 to each member of the Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche Tribes living on the date of the approval of this Act, which payment shall be credited to the individual account of each Indian to be expended in accordance with the individual Indian money regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. ROADS AND BRIDGES For maintenance and repair of that portion of the Gallup- Shiprock Highway within the Navajo Reservation, New Mexico, including the purchase of machinery, $20,000, reimbursable: Pro- vided, That other than for supervision and engineering only Indian labor shall be employed for such maintenance and repair work. For construction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of Indian reservation roads under the provisions of the Acts of May 26, 1928 (25 U. S . C . 318a), as supplemented and amended, and September 5, 1940 (Public, No. 780), $2,450,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended: Provided, That not to exceed $12,000 of the foregoing amount may be expended for per- [55 STAT.