Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/341

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 259-JUNE 28, 1941 loans from the revolving loan fund authorized by the Act of June 18, 48 Stat.98. 1934 (25 U. S. C. 470). Navajo sawmill, P- Operation and maintenance, Navajo tribal sawmill (tribal funds): eration, ec. Not to exceed $165,000 of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Navajo Indians are hereby made available for advance to the Navajo Tribe for the operation and maintenance of the Navajo tribal sawmill OUseotrevenue. enterprise: Provided, That revenue derived from the operation of the mill shall be available upon the request of the Secretary of the Interior for advance to the tribe for the same purposes. Additional amount For an additional amount to be added to the appropriations here- furd.revo oan tofore made, for the establishment of a revolving fund for the purpose of making and administering loans to Indian-chartered corporations 25 .S.C.i470. in accordance with the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 986), and of making and administering loans to individual Indians and to asso- ciations or corporate groups of Indians of Oklahoma in accordance Personal services. with the Act of June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1967), $250,000, of which amount not to exceed $25,700 shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia, and $110,000 shall be available for personal services in the field, for traveling expenses of employees, for purchase of equipment and supplies, and for other necessary expenses of admin- istering such loans, including not more than $3,500 for printing and redits; availabili. binding: Provided, That interest or other charges heretofore or here- ty. after collected on loans shall be credited to said revolving fund and shall be available for the purposes of this paragraph. dianarts and crafts. For the development, under the direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, of Indian arts and crafts, as authorized by the Act of 0.v. s . c . 66 a05 August 27, 1935 (49 Stat. 891), including personal services, purchase and transportation of equipment and supplies, purchase of periodicals, directories, and books of reference, purchase and operation of motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, telegraph and telephone services, cost of packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of personal effects of employees upon permanent change of station, expenses of exhibits and of attendance at meetings concerned with the development of Indian arts and crafts, traveling expenses, including payment of actual transportation expenses, not to exceed $2,500 for printing and binding, and other necessary expenses, $50,000, of which not to exceed $16,000 shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia: Pla~riinitato PProvided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay any salary at a rate exceeding $7,500 per annum. DEVELOPMENT OF WATER SUPPLY For the development, rehabilitation, repair, maintenance, and opera- tion of domestic and stock water facilities on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, the Hopi Reservation in Arizona, the Papago Reservation in Arizona, and the several Pueblos in New Mexico, including the purchase and installation of pumping and other equipment, $110,000. IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE For the construction, repair, and maintenance of irrigation systems, and for purchase or rental of irrigation tools and appliances, water rights, ditches, and lands necessary for irrigation purposes for Indian reservations and allotments; for operation of irrigation systems or appurtenances thereto when no other funds are applicable or available for the purpose; for drainage and protection of irrigable lands from damage by floods or loss of water rights, upon the Indian irrigation projects named below, $215,230, reimbursable, together with $28,500 Limitation. operation and maintenance collections, from which latter amount [55 STAT.