Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/220

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55 STAT.] 77TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.- CH. 130-MAY 23, 1941 payment in lump sums of not exceeding the amounts authorized by the Injury Compensation Act approved September 7, 1916 (5 U. S. C. 793), to alien cripples who are now a charge upon the Panama Canal by reason of injuries sustained while employed in the construction of the Panama Canal; and relief payments authorized by the Act approved July 8, 1937 (50 Stat. 478), $10,474,086; for continuing the construc- tion of special protective works, $4,670,000; in all, $15,144,086, together with all moneys arising from the conduct of business operations author- ized by the Panama Canal Act. Construction of additional facilities-Panama Canal: For construc- tion of additional facilities for the improvement and enlargement of the capacity of the Panama Canal, in accordance with the Act approved August 11, 1939 (53 Stat. 1409), including reimbursement to the appro- priations "Maintenance and Operation, Panama Canal", "Sanitation, Panama Canal", and "Civil Government, Panama Canal", in such amounts as the Governor of the Panama Canal shall from time to time determine to be additional costs incurred for the objects specified in said appropriations on account of the prosecution of the work; in all, $34,932,000, and, in addition, the Governor of the Panama Canal may, when authorized by the Secretary of War, make or authorize the making of contracts prior to July 1, 1942, for or on account of the construction of such additional facilities, to an amount not in excess of $79,000,000. For sanitation, quarantine, hospitals, and medical aid and support of the insane and of lepers and aid and support of indigent persons legally within the Canal Zone, including expenses of their deportation when practicable, the purchase of artificial limbs or other appliances for persons who were injured in the service of the Isthmian Canal Commission or the Panama Canal prior to September 7, 1916, addi- tional compensation to any officer of the United States Public Health Service detailed with the Panama Canal as chief quarantine officer, and payments of not to exceed $50 in any one case to persons within the Government service who shall furnish blood from their veins for transfusion to the veins of patients in Panama Canal hospitals: Pro- vided, That expenditures heretofore made to any person within the Governnent service for blood furnished to patients in Panama Canal hospitals are hereby validated, $1,024,223. For civil government of the Panania Canlll and Canal Zone, includ- ing gratuities and necessary clothing for indigent discharged prisoners, $1,295,017. Total, Panama Canal, $52,395,326, to be available until expended. In addition to the foregoing sums there is appropriated for the fiscal year 1942 for expenditures and reinvestment under the several heads of appropriation aforesaid, without being covered into the Treasury of the United States, and to remain available until expended, all moneys received by the Panama Canal during the fiscal year 1942 and prior fiscal years (exclusive of net profits for such prior fiscal years) from services rendered or materials and supplies furnished to the United States, the Panama Railroad Company, the Canal Zone government, or to their employees, respectively, or to the Panama Government, from hotel and hospital supplies and services; from rentals, wharfage, and like service; from labor, materials, and supplies and other services furnished to vessels other than those pass- ing through the Canal, and to others unable to obtain the same else- where; from the sale of scrap and other byproducts of manufacturing and shop operations; from the sale of obsolete and unserviceable materials, supplies, and equipment purchased or acquired for the operation, maintenance, protection, sanitation, and government of the 195 39 Stat. 750 . 48U. .S . § 1372. Special protective works. Additional facilities. Post, p. 829. 48U. S. C. §1307. Contracts. Sanitation. Proviso. Blood( trrinsfuslons. Civil governrllent. Additional sums ap- propriated.