Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/154

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77TH CONG. , 1 8T SESS.-CH. 41 -APR . 5 , 1941 The provisions of section 4 of the Act approved April 25, 1939 (53 Stat. 590-592), shall be applicable to the Public Works projects mentioned in this Title. ALTERATIONS TO NAVAL VESSELS Alterations to naval vessels: For the acquisition and conversion of twelve additional auxiliaries, $60,000,000, to remain available until expended. NAVY DEPARTMENT Contingent expenses, Navy Department, $75,000. Contingent and miscellaneous expenses, Hydrographic Office, $148,000. Transportation of Dependents, and so forth: During the fiscal year 1941 the dependents and household effects of such personnel of the Naval Establishment on duty at stations outside the continental limits of the United States, and in Alaska, as may be determined upon by the Secretary of the Navy, may, prior to the issuance of orders for the relief of such personnel from their stations, be moved (including packing and unpacking of household effects) to such locations in con- tinental United States as may be selected by the Secretary of the Navy, by the use of either Government or commercial means of trans- portation, and later from such locations to the duty stations to which such personnel may be ordered, and current appropriations of the Naval Establishment available for travel and transportation may be used for this purpose: Provided,That the Secretary of the Navy may make reimbursement to personnel of the Naval Establishment who have incurred expenses of the character hereinbefore described prior to the enactment hereof during the fiscal year 1941. This title may be cited as "Title VII, Naval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1941". TITLE III-CIVIL NATIONAL DEFENSE ACTIVITIES INDEPENDENT AGENCIES FEDERAL LOAN AGENCY FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION Administrative expenses: In addition to the funds made available to the Federal Housing Administration for administrative expenses by the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1941, not to exceed $390,555 of the Defense Housing Insurance Fund, created by the Act entitled "An Act to amend the National Housing Act, and for other purposes", approved March 28, 1941 (Public Law 24, Seventy-seventh Congress), is hereby made available for administrative expenses of such Administration for the fiscal year 1941, including the objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1941. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY PUBLIC BUILDINGS ADMINISTRATION Construction of temporary office buildings: For the construction of temporary office buildings for general use on Government-owned land in the District of Columbia, including the construction of necessary heating plant, approaches, the installation or extension of sewers, water mains, and other utilities as may be necessary, and for adminis- trative expenses in connection therewith, $4,100,000: Provided, That the contract or contracts for such construction may be entered into without advertising. 278941--42 -PT . I -9 Cost-plus-a -flxed-fee contracts. 54 Stat. 286; ante, p. 41. 54 Stat. 289. 54 Stat. 290; ante, p. 41. Proviso. Reimbursement. Citation of title. Civil Activities Na- tional Defense Appro- priation Act, 1941. Post, p. 199. 54 Stat. 120 . Ante, p. 55. Post, p. 683. Pbs, p. 686. Proeto. Contracts without advertiQng. 55 STAT.]