Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/109

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PUBLIC LAWS--H. 32 -APR. 1, 1941 23 Stat. 254. 40 Stat. 1009. 50 Stat. 903. 7U.. c. §§1101- 1183. 50 Stat. 525. 7U.8.C.§§1010- 1013. 50 Stat. 323. 15U.S.C.§713c. July 7, 1884 (5 U. S . C . 266), as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered 30, Seventy-seventh Congress, there is appropriated as follows: Independent Offices: For Federal Civil Works Administration, $1.11. For Securities and Exchange Commission, $19.40. For Interstate Commerce Commission, $16.56 . For operations under Mineral Act of October 5, 1918, $35,146.90. For salaries and expenses, Federal Housing Administration, $1.80. For National Industrial Recovery, Labor, United States Employ- ment Service, $1.11. For National Industrial Recovery, Federal Emergency Adminis- tration of Public Works, $185.86. For administrative expenses, Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, $37.72 . For general administrative expenses, Public Works Branch, Pro- curement Division, $3.91. For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Bureau, $1.80. For salaries and expenses, Veterans' Administration, $93.15. Department of Agriculture: For conservation and use of agri- cultural land resources, Department of Agriculture, $592.80. For administration of Sugar Act of 1937, Department of Agri- culture, $52.69. For submarginal land program, Farm Tenant Act, Department of Agriculture, $435. For acquisition of lands for protection of watersheds of navigable streams, $1,373.05. For elimination of diseased cattle, Department of Agriculture, $43.64. For National Industrial Recovery, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, $3.14. For retirement of cotton pool participation trust certificates, Department of Agriculture, $11.70. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quar- antine, $7.68. For salaries and expenses, Forest Service, $1.07. For salaries and expenses, Soil Conservation Service, $1.82. For exportation and domestic consumption of agricultural com- modities, Department of Agriculture, $6.50. For exportation and domestic consumption of agricultural com- modities, Department of Agriculture (transfer to Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation. Act June 28, 1937), $621. Department of Commerce: For establishment of air-navigation facilities, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $4,712. For contingent expenses, Department of Commerce, 75 cents. For traveling expenses, Department of Commerce, $4.50. For maintenance of air-navigation facilities, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $61.04. For Civil Aeronautics Authority fund, $4.41 . For salaries and expenses, Bureau of the Census, 49 cents. For salaries and expenses, Weather Bureau, $14.57. Department of the Interior: For salaries and expenses, National Bituminous Coal Commission, Department of the Interior. $27. For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, $23.97. For power distribution system, Bonneville project, Oregon, Department of the Interior, $319.57. For National Industrial Recovery, Interior, National Park Serv- ice, recreational demonstration projects, $124.67. For support of Indians and administration of Indian property, $270.82. [55 STAT. 84