Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/106

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77TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 32-APR . 1 , 1941 For subsistence of the Army, $281.09. For payment to officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (War), 44 cents. For seacoast defenses, $178.64. For citizens' military training camps, 16 cents. For replacing Army transportation, $6.03. For replacing barracks and quarters, $97. For increase of compensation, War Department, $12.33. For expenses, camps of instruction, and so forth, National Guard, $52.37. For arrears of pay, bounty, and so forth, $5.57. For printing and binding, War Department, $97.98. For Air Corps Depot, Sacramento, California, $55,469.65. For ordnance service and supplies, Army, $191.70. For National Guard, $1,489.51. For clothing and equipage, Army, $177.73. For mileage of the Army, 6 cents. For Civilian Conservation Corps (transfer to War), $5,458.06. For cemeterial expenses, War Department, $12.03. For emergency conservation work (transfer to War, Act June 22, 49 Stat. 1601 . 1936), $9,519.84. For emergency conservation work (transfer to War, Act February so stat. 10. 9, 1937), $995.47 . For emergency conservation fund (transfer to War, Act March 48 tat.22 . 31, 1933), $4,737.49. For emergency conservation fund (transfer to War, Act June 19, 48 Stat.1055. 1934), $931.52. For loans and relief in stricken agricultural areas (transfer from 48 Stat. 1056. emergency conservation work to War, Act June 19, 1934), $508.99. Emergency Relief: For emergency relief, Agriculture, Forest Service, forestation, and so forth, $1,324.55 . For emergency relief, Interior, administrative expenses, $84.27. For emergency relief, Interior, National Park Service, sanitation, prevention of soil erosion, and so forth, $47.50. For emergency relief, Labor, assistance for educational, profes- sional and clerical persons, $702.84. For emergency relief, Treasury, Coast Guard, $470. For emergency relief, emergency conservation work, War, Civilian Conservation Corps, $11,985.79. For emergency relief, Federal Emergency Relief Administration, expenses of liquidation, $405.98 . For emergency relief, Resettlement Administration, administrative expenses (transfer to Agriculture), $272.27 . For emergency relief, Resettlement Administration, rural rehabili- tation (transfer to Agriculture), $712.35. For emergency relief, Resettlement Administration, sanitation, pre- vention of soil erosion, and so forth (transfer to Agriculture), $14,143.16. For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, grants to States, and so forth, $5.387.51. For emergency relief, Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, $64.22 . For emergency relief, Interior, National Park Service, acquisition of land for Yosemite National Park, $3.24. For emergency relief, Agriculture, administrative expenses, $7.53. For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, work relief projects, $417.44. For emergency relief, Works Progress Administration, adminis- trative expenses, $8.10. 278941o--42-PT. I- - 81 55 STAT.]