Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/919

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. sonnes prenant part en commun A un voyage, peuvent etre trait6s 6galement d'apres les dispositions des§§1a4. Danscecas,les enveloppes collectrices doivent etre revetues de l'adresse du navire, de l'agence de navigation ou de voyage, etc., A qui elles doivent etre remises. ARTICLE 149. Envois tomb6s en rebut. Indication of cuse 1. -Avant de renvoyer A l'Ad- nondelivar. ministration d'origine les corres- pondances non distribu6es pour un motif quelconque, le bureau de destination doit indiquer d'une maniere claire et concise, en lan- gue francaise, au verso de ces objets, la cause de la non-remise sous la forme suivante: inconnu, refuse, en voyage, parti, non reclam6, d6c6d6, etc. En ce qui concerne les cartes postales et les imprimes sous forme de cartes, la cause de la non-remise est indiqu6e sur la moiti6 droite du recto. Cette indication est fournie par l'application d'un timbre ou l'ap- position d'une 6tiquette. Chaque Administration a la faculte d'ajou- ter la traduction, dans sa propre langue, de la cause de la non-remise et les autres indications qui lui conviennent. Le bureau de destination doit biffer les indications de lieu qui le concernent et porter au recto de l'objet la mention ,Retour, A c6te de 1'indication du bureau d'origine. 11 doit, en outre, ap- pliquer son timbre a date au verso des lettres et au recto des cartes postales. Ret u. 2.- Le renvoi des correspon- dances tombees en rebut se fait, soit isolement, soit en une liasse speciale 6tfquet6e «Rebuts». Les correspondances recomman- d6es tombees en rebut sont ren- voyees au bureau d'echange du pays d'origine comme s'il s'agis- sait de correspondances recom- mand6es A diriger sur ce pays. dofaOs.c of 3.- Les correspondances du regime interieur qui tombent en rebut et doivent, pour restitution taking part in a joint voyage, may likewise be treated in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1 to 4. In that case, the collective envelopes shall be marked with the address of the ship, navigation or travel agency, etc., to which they are to be delivered. ARTICLE 149 Undeliverable articles 1. Before returning correspond- ence which has not been delivered for any reason to the Administra- tion of origin, the office of desti- nation shall indicate in a clear and concise manner, in the French language, on the back of such arti- cles, the cause of the non-delivery, in the following form: Inconnu (unknown), Refuse (refused), En voyage (traveling), Parti (re- moved), Non reclamg (unclaimed), Dedced (deceased), etc. In the case of post cards and prints in the form of cards, the reason for the non-delivery is indicated on the right half of the front. That indication is furnished by applying a stamp or affixing a label. Each Administration has the option of adding a translation in its own language of the cause of non-delivery, and any other indications which may be con- venient for it. The office of destination shall strike out the indications of place which concern it, and place on the front of the article the note Retour (return), beside the indication of the office of origin. It shall also apply its date stamp to the back of letters and the front of post cards. 2. Undelivered articles are re- turned either singly or in a special bundle labeled Rebuts (undeliver- able mail matter). Registered articles which are undeliverable are returned to the exchange office of the country of origin as if it were a question of registered correspondence ad- dressed to that country. 3. Correspondence of the do- mestic service which is undeliv- erable and must, for return to the