Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/877

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. VI. Droit de recommandation. eistration fee. Les pays qui ne peuvent pas fixer A 40 centimes le droit de Ante p. 2078. recommandation prevu A 'article 54, § 2, sent autorises A percevoir un droit pouvant s'elever jusqu'a 50 centimes ou eventuellement jusqu'au taux fix6 pour leur service mtrieur. VII. Services aeriens. rSpartof Consen- Les dispositions concernant le ion, etc. transport de la poste aux lettres par voie aerienne sent annexees a Ia Convention postale universelle et sent considerees comme faisant partie integrante de celle-ci et de son Rtglement. Modfltoa. Toutefois, par derogation aux dispositions g6nerales de la Con- vention, la modification de ces dispositions peut 6tre envisag~e de temps A autre par une Conference comprenant les representants des Administrations directement in- teressees. ealing of onfer- Cette Conference pout etre con- voquee par l'interm6diaire du Bu- reau international a la demande de trois au moins de ces Adminis- trations. ubmission of ro L'ensemble des dispositions pro- posees par cette Conference devra etre soumis, par 1'intermndiaire du Bureau international, au vote des Pays de 1'Union. La decision sera prise A la majorite des voix exprimes. VIII. Exception a la liberti du transit des petits paquets. P VI Registrationfee Countries which can not fix at 40 centimes the registration fee contemplated by Article 54, Sec- tion 2, are authorized to collect a fee which may amount to as much as 50 centimes, or their domestic registration fee if this is higher. VII Air services The provisions concerning the transportation of regular mails by air are appended to the Universal Postal Convention and are con- sidered as forming an integral part of it and its Regulations. However, by exception to the general provisions of the Conven- tion, the modification of those provisions may be undertaken from time to time by a Conference comprising the representatives of the Administrations directly in- terested. That Conference may be called together through the intermediary of the International Bureau, at the request of at least three of those Administrations. All the provisions proposed by that Conference shall be sub- mitted, through the medium of the InternationalBureau, to the other countries of the Union, to be voted upon. The decision will be made on a majority of the votes cast. VIII Ezeeption to liberty of transit for small packets Par derogation aux dispositions de ' article 26 de la Convention, I'Administration des postes de I'Union des RKpubliques Sovigti- ques Socialistes est autorisee d ne pas admettre le8 petits paquets en transit par ses territores, dtant entendu wue cette restriction s'ap- pliquera zndistinctement a tous les pays de I'Union. By exception to the provisions of Article 26 of the Convention, the Postal Administration of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is authorized to refuse the transit of small packets over its territories, with the understanding that this restriction will apply indiscrimi- nately to all the countries of the Union. ttj e Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Exception to liberty of transit for small packets. Ante, p. 201.