Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/679

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1900 Internal taxes, etc. Freedom of imports and exports. Allocations when imports regulated. "Most-favored- nation treatment" construed. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAY. charges of any kind imposed on or in connection with importation or exportation, to the method of levying such duties or charges, to all matters concerning the rules, formalities and charges imposed in connection with importation or exportation, and to all laws or regu- lations affecting the sale or use of imported goods within those terri- tories, shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally in respect of the like article originating in or destined for the territories of the other High Contracting Party. ARTICLE III Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the territories of either High Contracting Party shall, after importation into the territories of the other, be exempt from all internal taxes, fees, charges or exactions other or higher than those payable on or in connection with like articles of domestic or any other origin, except as otherwise required by laws in force on the day of the signature of this Agree- ment and subject, in the case of the United States of America, to the constitutional limitations on the authority of the Federal Government. ARTICLE IV 1. No prohibition or restriction shall be imposed or maintained on the importation into the territories of either High Contracting Party of any article, from whatever place arriving, the growth, produce or manufacture of the territories of the other High Contracting Party, to which the importation of the like article the growth, produce or manufacture of any other foreign country is not similarly subject. 2. No prohibition or restriction shall be imposed or maintained on the exportation of any article from the territories of either High Contracting Party to the territories of the other, to which the exporta- tion of the like article to any other foreign country is not similarly subject. ARTICLE V If imports of any article into any of the territories of either High Contracting Party should be reguated either as regards the total amount permitted to be imported or as regards the amount permitted to be imported at a specified rate of duty, and if shares are allocated to countries of export the share allocated to the territories of the other High Contracting Party shall be based upon the proportion of the total imports of such article from all foreign countries supplied by the territories of that High Contracting Party in past years, account being taken in so far as practicable in appropriate cases of any special factors which may have affected or may be affecting the trade in that article. In those cases in which a territory of one of the High Con- tracting Parties is a relatively large supplier of any such article, the High Contracting Party imposing the regulation shall, whenever practicable, consult with the other High Contracting Party before the share to be allocated to such territory is determined. If the share allocated should, otherwise than from temporary and unavoidable causes, fail to be supplied, the High Contracting Party imposing the regulation may, after due consultation with the other, adjust the allocation to meet the new situation thus created. ARTICLE VI All the provisions of this Agreement providing for most-favored- nation treatment shall be interpreted as meaning that such treatment shall be accorded immediately and unconditionally, without request or compensation.