Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/672

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54 STAT.] TURKEY-RECIPROCAL TRADE-APR. 1, 1939 "3-Tiirkiye Ciimhuriyetinin esash serbest doviz gelirinin satillan mevsime tabi olan mUistahsalat ihracatmdan miitevellit olmasma binaen Amerika Birlesik Devletleri menseli ticart ithalata miteallik tediyatm transferi igin serbest d6viz disponibilitesi temininde muvakkat teahhiurlerin on'ine gegilemiyecegi tabildir. $urasi mu- karrerdir ki 9 uncu madde ahkamn her bir takvim ylh zarfmda mezktr tediyat transferleri igin serbest doviz disponibilitesi temini hususunda mevsim teahhiirlerine mani teskil etmiyecektir. "4-Tiirkiye Ciimhuriyeti Hiukfmeti Tiirkiye Ciimhuriyeti ticare- tini gayri miisait sekilde tesiri altmda blrakan gayri memul hAdisatn neticesi olarak serbest doviz noksanhgi dolayisile 9 uncu madde ile kabul olunan serbest doviz disponibilitesini temin edecek vaziyette bulunmadigi takdirde Amerika Birlesik Devletleri HukAmeti ve Tuirkiye Cimhuriyeti Hiukfmeti her iki Hiikfmet igin gayam memnu- niyet bir anlasmaya varmak maksadile mu'zakerata giriseceklerdir. "5-Bu mektup bugun imzalanan ticaret anlasmasmm ayrlmaz bir pargasmi teskil eder. "Ihtiramati faikamm lutfen kabulunii rica ederim Bay Buiiyik Elii. S. SARACOGLU "Bay JOHN V. A. MACMURRAY Turkiye Camhuriyeti nezdinde Birleqik Amerika Devletleri Fevkaldde Biuyk Elgisi ve Murahhas" Ankara ANKARA, April 1, 1939 "MR. MINISTER: "I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of today's date containing a statement of your understanding of the agreement reached with respect to the application of Article 9 of the Trade Ante',) 1' 5 Agreement signed this day, which is as follows: "1. The total value of the commercial imports from the United States of America into the territory of the Turkish Republic during the period from January 1, 1935 to December 31, 1937, mentioned in Article 9, is 10.91 percent of the total value of the commercial imports of the Turkish Republic from all sources during the same period. It is agreed that, in determining the amount of free foreign exchange which shall be made available each year, this percentage shall be applied to the total value of the commercial imports into the territory of the Turkish Republic from all sources during the year in question, after deducting from such total value the amount by which the value of commercial imports resulting, during the same year, from the utilization of the credits provided for in the Agreement with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, signed on May 27, 1938, and the Agreement with Germany, the principles of which were established in October, 1938, at Ankara, exceeds the payments made during that year in accordance with the provisions of the said credit 1893