Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/567

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MONACO-EXTRADITION-FEB . 15, 1939 by one or more other Powers on account of crimes or offenses com- mitted in their respective juris- dictions, his extradition shall be granted to the State whose de- mand is received first; unless the Government from which extradi- tion is asked is bound by treaty, in case of concurrent demands, to accord preference to the one that is first in date, in which event that rule shall be followed, unless also an arrangement exists between the demanding Governments which would decide the preference either on account of the gravity of the offenses committed or for any other reason. ARTICLE XI All articles seized which were in the possession of the person to be surrendered at the time of his arrest, whether they are the pro- ceeds of the crime or offense charged, or can be used as ele- ments to establish the proof of the crime or offense, shall, so far as practicable, and if the com- petent authority of the State applied to orders the delivery thereof, be given up at the time the extradition is effected. Nevertheless, the rights of third parties with regard to the articles aforesaid shall be duly respected. aussi r6clame par une ou plusieurs autres Puissances, du chef de crimes ou d6lits commis dans leurs juridictions respectives, son ex- tradition sera accordee A l'Etat dont la demande aura ete revue la premiere, Amoins que le Gouverne- ment requis ne soit tenu par Trait6, dans le cas de demandes concurrentes, d'accorder la pre- ference A celle qui est la premiere en date, et alors on se conformera a cette regle, A moins 6galement qu'il n'existe entre les Gouverne- ments requ6rants un arrangement qui d6ciderait de la preference, soit a raison de la gravit6 des in- fractions commises, soit pour tout autre motif. ART. 11. Tous les objets saisis qui 6tai- ent, au moment de son arrestation, en la possession de la personne a livrer, qu'ils proviennent du crime ou d6lit releve A sa charge ou qu'ils puissent servir d'elements pour 6tablir la preuve du crime ou du delit seront, autant que possi- ble, et si l'autorite comp6tente de l'Etat requis en ordonne la remise, delivr6s au moment oi l'extradi- tion s'effectuera. Toutefois, les droits des tiers sur les objets dont il s'agit seront dfment respectes. ARTICLE XII The expenses occasioned by the arrest, examination and deliv- ery of the persons claimed shall be borne by the Government re- questing the extradition. How- ever, such Government shall not have to bear any expense for the services of such public officers or functionaries of the Government Les frais occasionn6s par l'arres- tation, l'interrogatoire et la remise des individus reclames seront A la charge du Gouvernement re- qu6rant. Toutefois, ce Gouverne- ment n'aura pas a supporter les frais se rapportant Al'intervention de fonctionnaires ou officiers pu- blics du Gouvernement requis dont Articles seized with fugitive. ART. 12 . Expenses of arrest and transportation. 54 STAT.] 1787