Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/497

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54STAT.] INTER-AMERICAN-EXCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS-DEC. 23 , 1936 United States of America: Cordell IIull, Sumner Welles, Alexander W. Weddell, Adolf A. Berle, Jr., Alexander F. Whitney, Charles G. Fenwick, Michael Francis Doyle, Elise F. Musser. Chile: Miguel Cruchaga Tocornal, Luis Barros Borgofio, F6lix Nieto del Rio, Ricardo Montaner Bello. Ecuador: Humberto Albornoz, Antonio Pous, Jos6 Gabriel Navarro, Francisco Guarderas, Eduardo Salazar G6mez. Bolivia: Enrique Finot, David Alvestegui, Eduardo Diez de Medina. Alberto Ostria Gutierrez, Carlos Romero, Alberto Cortadellas, Javier Paz Campero. Haiti: H. Pauleus Sannon, Camille J. Le6n, Elie Lescot, Edme Manigat, Pierre Eugene de Lespinasse, Clement Magloire. Cuba: Jose Manuel Cortina, Ram6n Zaydin, Carlos MArquez Sterling, Rafael Santos Jimenez, Cesar Salaya, Calixto Whitmarsh, Jose Manuel Carbonell. Who, after having deposited their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follows: Article I. There shall be estab- lished in the national or official Library of the Capital of each of the Contracting Parties a section dedicated to each of the other States taking part in this Conven- tion Article II. For the installation of these sections each Govern- ment promises to provide to each of the other Parties signatory to this Convention a collection of works of such character as to afford an understanding of the thought of their men of letters and science. Article III. Each Government agrees to provide the accredited diplomatic missions of the other Contracting Parties with two copies of each of its official pub- lications and such other publica- tions as are edited with official assistance. These copies shall be destined for the sections indicated in Article I. Article IV. The national or official Libraries of the Capitals of the Contracting Parties shall enter into agreements to maintain, with the frequency desirable, a service of exchange of works edited in each one of them, and of photographic copies of documents which may be of interest to American history. Article V. The present Conven- tion shall not affect obligations previously entered into by the High Contracting Parties by vir- tue of international agreements. Article VI. The present Conven- tion shall be ratified by the High Contracting Parties in conformity with their respective constitu- tional procedures. The original Establishment of sections in national libraries. Collection of repre- sentative works. Official, etc. , publi- cations. National libraries, exchange of works, etc. Previous agree- ments not affected. Ratification. Deposit of original of Convention. 1717