Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/25

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Jan. 17, 26, 1940 PRIVATE LAWS---CHS. 9 , 10, 15 , 23 --Feb. 9, 1940 1244 [CHAPTER 91 January 17, 1940 [H. I. 68O4] [Private, No. 2701 Geore E. Miller. Credit in account. AN ACT For the relief of George E. Miller. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Comp- troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to allow credit in the account of George E. Miller, disbursing clerk, London, England, in the sum of $424.47, represent- ing the amount disallowed by the Comptroller General in connection with the shipment of personal effects of Sam E. Woods, American commercial attache from Prague, Czechoslovakia, to Berlin, Ger- many, in steel moving vans which, although increasing the weight to an amount in excess of that allowed by the regulations, was con- siderably cheaper than any other method of packing and transporta- tion. Said travel order for removal of personal effects being dated August 16, 1937. Approved, January 17, 1940. [CHAPTER 101 January 17, 1940 [H. R. 73271 [Private, No. 271] Nevada Silica Sands, Inc. Issuance of patent to, authorized. 30U.S.0. 129,37. AN ACT For the relief of the Nevada Silica Sands, Incorporated. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a patent is hereby authorized to be issued to the Nevada Silica Sands, Incor- porated, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nevada, conveying the mineral deposits in the east three-quarters southwest quarter section 5, township 16 south, range 67 east, Mount Diablo meridian, together with the right to use so much of the surface as may be necessary for the mining and removal of such deposits upon compliance with the applicable provisions of sections 2825 and 2338 of the United States Revised Statutes. Approved, January 17, 1940. [CHAPTER 151 January 2, 1940 [H. R. 39311 [Private, No. 272] Oharles H. LeGay. Reenlistment in Army authorized. 10 U.. C.. 622. February 9 1940 - [8. 32 (Private, No. 273] AN ACT For the relief of Charles H. LeGay. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstand- ing the provisions of section 1118, Revised Statutes, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to reenlist, in the United States Army, Charles H. LeGay, Medical Department, Fort McIntosh, Texas, at the expiration of said Charles H. LeGay's present period of enlist- ment, and on such future dates as the said Charles H. LeGay may make application for reenlistment. Approved, January 26, 1940. [CHAPTER 23] AN ACT For the relief of E. C . Beaver. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tha p. Cy.Beave. United States of Ameica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1t502 to E. C . Beaver, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, in full satisfaction of his claim against the United States for loss of property destroyed [54 STAT.