Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1565

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INDEX International Labor Organization, adop- Page tion of- Minimum Age (Sea) Convention (Re- vised), 1936-------------------- Officers' Competency Certificates Con- vention, 1936-------------------- Shipowners' Liability (Sick and Injured Seamen) Convention, 1936-------- Interstate Migration of Destitute Citi- zens, printing of additional copies of hearings authorized--------------- Inventors' and Patent Day, designation_- Iraq, treaty of commerce and navigation_ Irvine, William M., waiver of citizenship requirements as to compensation earned by------------------------ Italy: Neutrality of U. S . in war with- France and the United Kingdom---- Greece--------------------------- State of war, proclamation of, with- France and the United Kingdom----- Greece-- ------------------------ Submarines of, restriction on use of U. S . ports or territorial waters-------- Tonnage duties, suspension of-------- 1705 1683 1693 1408 2689 1790 1384 2707 2764 2706 2763 2707 2702 J Jacob, Herbert A. (Maj.), payment to-- Jacobs, Esther, admission for permanent residence ------------------------ Janiec, Ignatz, payment to-------------- Janiec, Mary, payment to-------------- Jeffrey, Noel, credit in accounts of------ Jenkins, Lester D., reimbursement for loss of personal property----------- Jenkins, Marvin C., reimbursement for loss of personal property .--------- Jensen, C. T ., payment to------------- Jermark, E. W ., credit in accounts of--- Jones, Ina, payment to---------------- Jones, Isaac R., reimbursement for loss of personal property--------------- Jones, Thelma, payment to legal represent- ative of-------------------------- Julian, W. A ., adjustment in accounts of_ Julien, E. A. (Dr.), payment to ---. -- -- 124' 1371 1361 136( 132' 138 138. 127 133 133 138 124 139 136 r 7 0 4 K Kames, John A., payment to----------- Kanner, Moe, payment to------------- Kaplan, Ethel M., payment to---------- Kaplan, Nathan, Minneapolis, Minn., admission for permanent residence-- Kaplan, Nathan, New Bedford, Mass., payment to---------------- Karas, Nicholas G., admission for perma- nent residence- .- - - -. --- . 13( 139 127 125 127 IRI Iarlovitz, Bela, admission for permanent residence------------------------- Carp, Florence, payment to guardian of-- Kelly, Tom, payment to----------------

ennedy, W. D ., payment to-----------
ermath, George F., payment to-------

vessel, Victoria, removal from pension roll------------------------------ Kessinger, Ben L., payment to--------

etchum, Idaho, issuance of land patents

to certain citizens of--------------- (euffel and Esser Company of New York, payment to---------------------- lillian, Noe C. (Maj.), payment to------ Linder, Naoma, payment to guardian of- Kinderman, Harold W., summons for in- quiry regarding retirement author- ized----------------------------- King, J. V ., credit in accounts of------- King, Theodore R., consideration of disa- bility claim---------------------- King and Boozer, Anniston, Ala., payment to-------------------------------- Kings Canyon National Park, Calif., lands added--------------------------- Kinney, James L., consideration of dis- ability claim--------------------- Klein, Esther, admission for permanent residence ------------------------ Knapp, H. S ., credit in accounts of---- Knight, Raymond C., payment to------ Knowlen, Violet, payment to guardian of- Knowlton, Louis, payment to---------- Knutson, Emma, admission for permanent residence ----------------------- Kohanik, Paul J., payment to-... -- - -- - Kosick, Anna Barbara, payment to legal representative of------------------ Kulmatycki, Wasyl, payment to. - - -. - - . . Kuner, J. Frank, validation of payments to------------------------------- L Labor Organization, International. See International Labor Organization. Ladinsky, Charles S., payment to---- Laird, Ruth M., payment to----------- Lake Landing Township, Hyde County, N. C ., payments to designated claim- ants---------------------------- LaMaster, Paul E. (1st Lt.), relieved of liability for loss of certain funds -- Lambie, Thomas A., naturalization author- ized ------------------------ Lamborn and Company, jurisdiction con- ferred upon Court of Claims to hear claim of-------------------------- Lancelott, George, jurisdiction con- ferred upon U. S. District Court to hear claim of- .- -.- -- -- -- -- 22781 Page 1384 1373 1266 1386 1378 1282 1367 1335 1262 1243 1308 1285 1338 1347 1288 2710 1305 1374 1330 1301 1358 1366 1372 1369 1270 1368 1277 1395 1278 1351 1331 1323 1389 1252

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