Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1528

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parts thereof, or machinery, tools, or material, or supplies neces- sary for the manufacture, servicing, or operation thereof, he may by proclamation prohibit or curtail such exportation, except under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe. Any such procla- mation shall describe the articles or materials included in the prohibition or curtailment contained therein. In case of the vio- fation of any provision of any proclamation, or of any rule or regulation, issued hereunder, such violator or violators, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000.00 or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The authority granted in this section shall terminate June 30, 1942, unless the Congress shall other- wise provide." Control ofexportof NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Presi- ad matterials. tc l es dent of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the aforesaid act of Congress, do hereby proclaim that upon the recommendation of the Administrator of Export Control I have determined that it is necessary in the interest of the national defense that on and after October 15, 1940, the following-described articles and materials shall not be exported from the United States except when authorized in each case by a Ante, p. 272. license as provided for in Proclamation No. 2413 of July 2, 1940, entitled "Administration of section 6 of the act entitled 'An Act to expedite the strengthening of the national defense' approved July 2, 1940," and in the regulations issued pursuant thereto: Fire Control Instruments, Military Searchlights, Aerial Cameras and other types of Military Equipment containing optical elements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 30" day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty, and of the [SEAL] Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-fifth. By the President: CORDELL HULL Secretary of State. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT ICELAND-SUSPENSION OF TONNAGE DUTIES September 30, 1940 [No. 2429] Preamble. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS section 4228 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended by the act of July 24, 1897, c. 13, 30 Stat. 214 (U. S . C ., title 46, sec. 141), provides, in part, as follows: "Upon satisfactory proof being given to the President, by the government of any foreign nation, that no discriminating duties of tonnage or imposts are imposed or levied in the ports of such nation upon vessels wholly belonging to citizens of the United States, or upon the produce, manufactures, or merchandise imported in the same from the United States or from any foreign country, the President may issue his proclamation, declaring that the foreign discriminating duties of tonnage and impost 2744 PROCLAMATIONS--SEPT. 30, 1940 [54 STAT.