Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1456

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PROCLAMATIONS-N'OV. 4, 1939 Ante, p. 11 . 22 U. S. C., Supp. V, § 245j-12 . Definition of combat area. Offcern to prevnt Ttoattom he shall, by proclamation, define combat areas, and thereafter it shall be unlawful, except under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed, for any citizen of the United States or any American vessel to proceed into or through any such combat area. The combat areas so defined may be made to apply to surface vessels or aircraft, or both. "(b) In case of the violation of any of the provisions of this section by any American vessel, or any owner or officer thereof, such vessel, owner, or officer shall be fined not more than $50,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. Should the owner of such vessel be a corporation, organization or association, each officer or director participating in the violation shall be liable to the penalty hereinabove prescribed. In case of the violation of this section by any citizen traveling as a passenger, such passenger may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than two years, or both. "(c) The President may from time to time modify or extend any proclamation issued under the authority of this section, and when the conditions which shall have caused him to issue any such proclamation shall have ceased to exist he shall revoke such proclamation and the provisions of this section shall there- upon cease to apply, except as to offenses committed prior to such revocation." AND WHEREAS it is further provided by section 13 of the said joint resolution that "The President may, from time to time, promulgate such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law as may be necessary and proper to carry out any of the provisions of this joint resolu- tion; and he may exercise any power or authority conferred on him by this joint resolution through such officer or officers, or agency or agencies, as he shall direct." NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Presi- dent of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the authority conferred on me by the said joint resolution, do hereby find that the protection of citizens of the United States requires that there be defined a combat area through or into which it shall be unlaw- ful, except under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed, for any citizen of the United States or any American vessel, whether a surface vessel or an aircraft, to proceed. AND I do hereby define such combat area as follows: All the navigable waters within the limits set forth hereafter. Beginning at the intersection of the North Coast of Spain with the meridian of 2045 ' longitude west of Greenwich; Thence due north to a point in 43054' north latitude; Thence by rhumb line to a point in 4500' north latitude; 2000' west longitude; Thence due north to 5800' north latitude; Thence by a rhumb line to latitude 62° north, longitude 2° east; Thence by thumb line to latitude 60° north, longitude 5° east; Thence due east to the mainland of Norway; Thence along the coastline of Norway, Sweden, the Baltic Sea and dependent waters thereof, Germany, Denmark, the Nether- lands, Belgium, France and Spain to the point of beginning. AND I do hereby enjoin upon all officers of the United States, charged with the execution of the laws thereof, the utmost diligence in preventing violations of the said joint resolution and in bringing to trial and punishment any offenders against the same. 2674 [54 STAT.