Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/139

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PRIVATE LAWS-CHS. 709-711-SEPT. 4 , 1940 Proceedings, etc. 28U.S.C. .1 250- 261. any statute of limitations. Proceedings in any suit before the Court of Claims under this Act, and appeals therefrom, and payment of any judgment thereon, shall be had as in the case of claims over which such court has jurisdiction under section 145 of the Judicial Code as amended. Approved, September 4, 1940. [CHAPTER 710] September 4 1940 [S. 4042] [Private, No. 550] Emory Poulson. Payment to. Proviso. Amount to be in full settlement for dam- ages. Easement. Limitation on attor- ney's, etc., fees. Penalty. AN ACT To provide for the acquisition of flowage rights and the payment of certain damages in connection with the operation of the Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, Idaho. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury, upon receipt of advice from the Secretary of the Interior to the effect that an appropriate and properly executed ease- ment has been obtained, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, to Emory Poulson, or his heirs, an amount not exceeding $4,500: Provided, That the foregoing amount shall be in full settlement for any and all past and present damages to the lands or personal property of the above-named Emory Poulson in connection with the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Blackfoot Reservoir, Grays Lake, and the conveyance channel from Grays Lake to the Blackfoot Reservoir of the Fort Hall Indian irri- gation project, Idaho, and in full payment for the easement obtained from said individual covering the right to flood, impound, withdraw at will, water on, over, and from all lands owned or possessed by said individual in connection with the future operation of said project; and the acceptance of said sum by the said Emory Poulson or his heirs shall act as a quittance of any and all rights or claims that may previously have existed against the United States by reason of such construction and operation of the said project: Provided fur- ther, That no part of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent or agents or attorneys on account of services rendered in connection with such claim. It shall be unlawful for any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, to exact, collect, withhold, or receive any sum of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof on account of services rendered in connection with said claim, any contract to the contrary notwithstanding. Any per- son violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved, September 4, 1940. [CHAPTER 711] September 4,1940 (H. R . 3976] [Private, No. 551] Violet Knowlen. Payment to guard- /nof. AN ACT For the relief of Violet Knowlen, a minor. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre- tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, to the legal guardian of Violet Knowlen, a minor, of Brainerd2 Minnesota, the sum of $1,500. The payment of such sum shall be m full settlement of all claims against the United States [54 STAT.