Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1289

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. Act of Habana and the Declara- tion concerning Reciprocal As- sistance and Cooperation for the Defense of the Nations of the Americas, subject to ap- proval by my Government and to the constitutional norms of my country." Reservation of the Venezuelan Dele- gation: 8.-As to the Act of Habana CXX): "The Venezuelan Delegation signs with the understanding that the Act of Habana rela- tive to colonial possessions is subject to ratification by the Public Power of the Nation in accordance with its constitu- tional provisions." Signatures. [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] [SEAL] HONDURAS: SILVERIO LAfNEZ HAITI: LEON LALEAU COSTA RICA: LuIS ANDERSON MEXICO: EDUARDO SUJREZ ARGENTINA: Con la aclaracion y reserva formu- lada en el acta. 1 [SEAL] LEOP MELO URUGUAY: [SEAL] P. MANINI Rfos ECUADOR: [SEAL] J. TOBAR DONOSO BOLIVIA: [SEAL] ENRIQUE FINOT CHILE: [SEAL] SCHNAKE [Translation: With the clarification and reservation formulated in the act.] de la Habana y la Declaraci6n sobre Asistencia Reciproca y Cooperaci6n Defensiva de las Naciones Americanas, sujeto a la aprobaci6n de mi Gobierno y a las normas constitucionales de mi pais". Reserva de la Delegacion de Vene- zuela: 8.-En cuanto al Acta de la Habana (XX): "La Delegaci6n de Venezuela firma, en la inteligencia de que el Acta de la Habana, relativa a posesiones coloniales, queda sujeta a ratificaci6n de los poderes pdblicos de la naci6n, conforme a sus disposiciones constitucionales". [SELLO] [SELLO] [SELLO] [SELLO] HONDURAS SILVERIO LAfNEZ HAITI LEON LALEAU COSTA RICA Luis ANDERSON MEXICO EDUARDO SUAREZ ARGENTINA Con las aclaraciones y reserva del acta [SELLO] LEOP MELO URUGUAY [SELLO] P. MANINI Rfos [BELLO] [SELLO] [SELuo] ECUADOR J. TOBAR DONOSO BOLIVIA ENRIQUE FINOT CHILE SCHNAKE 2510