Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1258

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54 STAT.] GREAT BRITAIN-AUSTRALIAN WOOL-DEC. 9, 1940 States authorities, it shall become definitive if the examination of samples indicates that the grades and types of wool included in the above mentioned general categories are such that they could be readily used in American mills without interruption of or delays in the production of the mills. It is understood that the Government of the United Kingdom in estimating the quantities available for the reserve have provided for the reten- tion of sufficient supplies in Australia to ensure that the com- mercial demand can be met. It is also understood that both the total quantity estimated to be available for the reserve after pro- viding for sales abroad and shipments to the United Kingdom, and the distribution by types and descriptions, have been based upon the results of the 1939-40 clip, and that should the results of the 1940-41 clip differ it may be necessary to vary the supply for the reserve. (6) Space on established British shipping lines running be- tween Australia and the United States shall be used for the transport of the wool so far as available. The wool will be made available in Australia as rapidly as possible, provided that the sale of wool from Australia on commercial account or its shipment to the Wool Control in the United Kingdom or Can- ada shall not be prejudiced, and every endeavour shall be made to complete the allocations in Australia by the end of March 1941. 2. If the Government of the United States are prepared to accept the foregoing provisions, I have the honour to propose that the present note and your reply to that effect be regarded as constituting an agreement between the two Governments which shall come into force immediately. I have the honour to be, with high consideration, Sir, Your obedient Servant, HAUFAX Mr. HIERSHEL V. JOHNSON, etc., etc., etc. The American Charge dPAffaires ad interim at London to the British Secretary of State for ForeignAffairs No. 2662 EMhBASS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA London, December 9, 1940. MY LoRD: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. W Agreement by U.. 11985/79/49 of December 9, 1940, in which Your Lordship is good enough to inform me that in order to enable the Government of the United States of America to establish in the United States a reserve of Australian wool against a possible emergency shortage of wool 2479